fall 2017

Message from Dean Gregory Kalscheur, S.J.
The work of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences lies at the heart of Ever to Excel: Advancing Boston College’s Mission, the ambitious and innovative strategic plan President William P. Leahy, S.J., introduced at the fall 2017 University Convocation. Renewing Boston College’s foundational commitment to providing a formative humanistic education for the common good, the plan comprises four strategic directions: READ DEAN KALSCHEUR'S FULL MESSAGE »


Boston College inaugurates a new era in integrated sciences

In early November, Boston College announced plans to develop the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society, a multidisciplinary initiative named in honor of Trustee Phil Schiller ’82 and his wife, Kim Gassett-Schiller, whose multiyear lead gift of $25 million establishes the enterprise. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2019 on the institute’s home, a $150 million complex designed to attract and foster interaction and collaboration among faculty and students in the applied sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Learn more about plans for the integrated sciences at Boston College
Visit the Schiller Institute’s web page »


Snapshots of new faculty

Meet nine new Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences faculty as they talk about choosing their respective fields and what they are working on at Boston College this year. Go to a slide show of the new faculty »


Will you help BC students explore career paths and opportunities?

Please consider getting involved with Endeavor, a three-day career exploration program for sophomores that takes place January 10–12, 2018. Endeavor brings together second-year liberal arts majors with alumni, faculty, and friends of MCA&S who can guide them as they seek ways to combine a liberal arts education with a successful career. Go to a video about the Endeavor program
Go to the Endeavor alumni page to learn more about volunteering »


BC physicist receives three early-career grants

Three different federal agencies have awarded grants totaling $1.5 million to Assistant Professor of Physics Ilija Zeljkovic to support his research into superconductors and topological insulators. Go to an article about Zeljkovic’s grants
Visit the Zeljkovic Lab website »


A new look for MCA&S

Redesigned, robust, and mobile responsive, the new Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences website launched in late September, part of a University-wide website redesign led and implemented by University Communications and the Office of Information Technology Services. Visit the new website »

Of Note
The McMullen Museum presents Hymns to Nature, the first U.S. exhibition of Chinese artist Cao Jun, winner of the 2013 Le Louvre Museum Carrousel Art Exhibition “Gold Award” and “Judge Award.” The exhibit, which runs from February 5 to June 3, comprises some 64 works in oil, watercolors, ink, calligraphy, and porcelain. It was curated by John Sallis, Frederick J. Adelmann, S.J., Professor of Philosophy. Go to the McMullen’s Hymns to Nature web page »

In October, Forbes feature Alberto Midina ’21, a resident of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, whose family survived Hurricane Maria. Medina led an effort among students across the U.S. to raise funds to help hurricane victims. Go to the Forbes article »

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (Volume 21, Issue 2) recently published Mary Sherman: What if You Could Hear a Painting, a survey edited by Lanfranco Aceti that focuses on the multimedia creations of Mary Sherman ’80, part-time faculty in the Art, Art History, and Film Department. Go to BC Libraries’ interview with Sherman
Visit Mary Sherman’s website »

“Lucid and insightful” the Washington Post’s Anne Applebaum wrote of Maxim D. Shrayer’s With or Without You: The Prospect for Jews in Today’s Russia (Academic Studies Press, 2017). A professor of Russian, English, and Jewish Studies, Shrayer has authored more than 10 books, including titles in English and Russian. Go to the Academic Studies Press web page to learn more about Shrayer’s new book »
Approximately one in every six deaths worldwide can be attributed to pollution, The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health reported in October. Convened in 2015 and made up of prominent scientists including Boston College Vice Provost for Research and DeLuca Professor of Biology Thomas Chiles, social scientists (including BC School of Social Work Dean Gautam Yadama), and various public health experts, the commission’s global analysis was the first on the combined impact of all forms of pollution. Go to a news article about Chiles’s work on the commission »

Associate Professor of Theology Mary Ann Hinsdale, I.H.M., recently accepted the St. Elizabeth Seton Medal, established in 1966 by Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio, to recognize distinguished women in theology. The medal was presented to Sr. Hinsdale at an Oct. 2 event where she delivered an address titled “Feminist Theologies: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? How Will We Get There?” Learn more about the honor and previous recipients »

Writers and journalists J.D. Vance, Willie Jennings, Kenneth Pomeranz, Natasha Trethewey, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Sam Quinones, and Anna Deavere Smith will visit campus this spring, guests of the Lowell Humanities Series. Learn more about the series and its spring semester lineup »