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fall 2015

Message from Dean Gregory Kalscheur, S.J.
In his introduction to the New York Times Magazine’s fall education issue, New York University philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah asks whether the main goal of college should be to gain marketable skills or to become a certain sort of person. He suggests that the purpose of college needn’t be understood as an either/or proposition. This resonates with our hopes for our students here at the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences (MCA&S). Read Dean Kalscheur’s full message »


Meet some of MCA&S’s New Faculty

Seven economists, three biologists, three mathematicians, three theologians, and a political scientist are among 32 new faculty across 15 departments who have joined the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences this year. View a slideshow of eight new faculty members »


"Endeavor": Liberal Arts a Bridge to the Future

The Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences and BC Career Center, in partnership with the Office of the Provost, the Academic Advising Center, the Office of Alumni Relations, faculty, and current students, are introducing “Endeavor: The Sophomore Liberal Arts Advantage” this January 14 and 15. The two-day program of speakers, panel presentations, and group discussions that connect liberal arts education to the future will give students an opportunity to hear from alumni and discuss their career interests and goals. Visit the Endeavor website  »


Core Renewal Is Underway

With 350 first-year students enrolled, the fall semester’s interdisciplinary team-taught pilot core courses are fully subscribed, according to Julian Bourg, associate professor of history and associate dean of the core. “Student excitement over the pilots is extraordinary,” said Bourg, who is coordinating a three-year core renewal project with Institute for Liberal Arts Director and Rattigan Professor of English Mary Crane. In response to the strong demand, the number of pilot-style interdisciplinary core offerings will double next year. View videos of faculty teams discussing their pilot core offerings »


Medical Humanities Now An Approved Minor

After a two-year trial period with some 100 participating students, the University has approved a minor in medical humanities, an interdisciplinary study of illness, health, health care, and the body. Professor of English Amy Boesky directs the program, which offers a variety of MCA&S courses from departments including biology, communication, English, sociology, economics, psychology, history, philosophy, and theology as well as from the Connell School of Nursing and Boston College Law School. View videos of students describing their work as Medical Humanities minors » Read the student-edited Medical Humanities Journal of Boston College »

Of Note
On September 2, President William P. Leahy, S.J., and Provost David Quigley announced the appointment of Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., as dean of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences (MCA&S). Kalscheur served as interim dean since 2012. Read an article about Kalscheur’s appointment »

The Wall Street Journal characterized the McMullen Museum’s “John La Farge and the Recovery of the Sacred,” curated by Professor of Art History Jeffery Howe, as a “moving, wide-ranging exhibition” of paintings, stained glass, and works on paper. La Farge, a leader of the American Renaissance movement, was an innovative and influential artist at the turn of the 20th century. The McMullen exhibition showcases the restoration of three La Farge windows that were donated recently to the museum by Boston College alumnus, art dealer, and La Farge expert William Vareika ’74 and his wife Alison. Visit the McMullen's La Farge Exhibition website »

Assistant Professor of Mathematics J. Elisenda Grigsby is the inaugural recipient of the Association for Women in Mathematics Joan and Joseph Birman Research Prize in Topology and Geometry. Read an article about the award to Grigsby »
Assistant Professor of Physics Ruihua He, whose research explores new classes of quantum materials, has received the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award, the agency’s most prestigious grant for early-career faculty. He will receive $540,000 over five years to support his research into a new class of materials with unusual electronic properties. Read an announcement of He’s award »

The Geological Society of America elected Earth and Environmental Sciences Professor and Chair John Ebel a fellow in recognition of his seismological research, his teaching and mentoring of students, and his outreach to the public. Visit Ebel’s faculty page »

Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences alumna Yunseon Esther Kim ’05 has received a prestigious Fulbright Distinguished Award for Teaching to study and conduct research at Sheffield Hallam University in England. Read an article about Kim »

James Brogan ’16, a double major in physics and chemistry, has been awarded a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, considered the premier undergraduate award in the sciences. Read Brogan’s profile »

Political science major Marissa Marandola ’16 was named a recipient of the 2015 Harry S. Truman Scholarship, awarded on the basis of leadership potential, intellectual ability, public service, and a detailed policy proposal. Read an article about Marandola »


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