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Dear Student,

I want to introduce you to Boston College. As the director of AHANA Student Programs, I invite you to learn more about our University as you find your path to the college that best fits you. As a nationally ranked Jesuit, Catholic university, Boston College seeks to develop men and women who will shape the future with vision, wisdom, justice, and charity for all members of the human family.

Boston College has had a long-standing commitment to the recruitment and retention of AHANA students—today, they represent 25 percent of the undergraduate population at BC. A broad array of academic programs, events, and activities celebrating multiculturalism allows students to cultivate leadership abilities, nurture personal growth, and pursue a course of study that will prepare them for life beyond college.

To learn more about if your path leads to Boston College, please follow the link below. And, welcome to BC!

Director's Signature

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AHANA (a-Ha-na)
"AHANA is a term that refers to persons of African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American descent," which "was coined at Boston College in 1979 by two students, Alfred Feliciano and Valerie Lewis, who objected to the name 'Office of Minority Programs.'" They cited the definition of the word minority as "less than" and proposed, instead, to use the term AHANA which they felt celebrated social cultural differences." In turn, "the Office of Minority Student Programs became the Office of AHANA Student Programs. Boston College, which has registered the term AHANA as a trademark, has granted official permission for its use to over 50 Institutions and organizations in the United States."
— From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Boston College | Office of Undergraduate Admission
Devlin Hall 208 | 140 Commonwealth Avenue | Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3809
Phone: (617) 552-3100 | Toll-Free: (800) 360-2522
