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Published: November 2004
Since September 2003, the Council for Women of Boston College has presented eight “Beginning the Journey” events, a chance for undergraduate women and young alumnae to discuss career paths with alumnae who have achieved notable success in professional fields. The council of nearly 50 women was formed in 2002 on the recommendation of a trustee-commissioned taskforce that studied the disparity between the growing numbers of female graduates and the persistent low level of alumnae involvement with the University in everything from volunteering to reunion attendance. The council’s charge is to develop initiatives that “further the role of women as leaders and active participants in the University.”
This video from @BC draws from two “Beginning the Journey” events. On March 29, 2004, 100 undergraduate women gathered in the Heights Room to hear from a panel comprising Jodie Petrucelli ’89, JD ’92, attorney, Sugarman & Sugarman; Monica Chandra ’87, vice president, Fidelity Investments; Kathy Power ’72, vice president of services, Avid Technology; and Karen Fahey ’83, vice president, Mellon Financial. On October 19, 85 young alumnae assembled in New York City’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel to hear from a panel comprising Susan Gianinno ’70, chairman and CEO, Publicis USA; Cathy Brienza NC’71, partner, Sutton Capital Associates; Ann Finck ’66, nurse practitioner, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center; and Darcel Clark ’83, judge of the Criminal Court, City of New York. Also included here is an interview with Kathleen McGillycuddy NC’71, cochair of the council, a University trustee, and former executive vice president for FleetBoston Financial.