Whose Bible?

Audio only

Published: February 2004

In December 2001, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Council of Synagogues asked Boston College’s Center for Christian-Jewish Learning to develop a series of videotapes that could be used to promote discussion between Christians and Jews on beliefs and practices that unite and divide the two faiths. The six-session series, titled “Walking God’s Paths,” was co-produced by Philip Cunningham, center director, John Michalczyk, chair of the fine arts department, and Rabbi Gilbert Rosenthal, NCS director. It explores such issues as the contemporaneous origins of Christianity and rabbinic Judaism, the parallel celebrations of Easter and Passover, and the metaphors—both harmful and helpful—that have been used to characterize the relationship between the two faiths.

“Common Texts, Different Scriptures,” the videotape featured here, focuses on the scriptural books revered by each tradition and features scholars from both faiths offering perspectives on conflict, tradition, and interpretation. The center website also provides a set of discussion questions and information for those who might like to acquire the entire six-tape series.

This feature was posted on Sunday, February 15, 2004 and is filed under Videos.
Courtesy: National Conference of Bishops and National Council of Synagogues
Writer: Ben Birnbaum