Small world

Published: November 2008


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Total time: 14:32

Nanotechnology—working with matter at the atomic or molecular level—offers the promise of a huge range of innovations, from improved manufacturing techniques to new medical treatments and diagnostic tools. @BC presents an interview with Michael Naughton, chair of the physics department, in which he describes three nanotechnology projects at Boston College aimed at tapping renewable energy sources: developing nano-coaxial cable for highly efficient solar cells; using nanoparticles to create thermoelectric material that converts heat to electricity; and constructing “nano-nets” from silicon, which can split molecules of water to release hydrogen. Naughton also discusses the recent acquisition of facilities and equipment, which have made the University a center for nanotechnology research in the Boston area.

This feature was posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 and is filed under Audio.
Writer: Daniel Soyer; Producer: Miles Benson