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Master study
The chancellor’s office on the third floor of Bapst Library has served many purposes since the building was dedicated in 1928. Originally, the 633-square-foot room was the library director’s office. From 1987 to 1996, the room housed a recreation of 1936 alumnus Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill’s Speaker of the House office, whose furnishings were moved to a permanent exhibition space in the O’Neill Library in 1996. That same year, J. Donald Monan, SJ, moved into the office when he assumed the post of chancellor, following 24 years as Boston College president. The desk is the same one Monan used while president—the same one used by every Boston College president (except W. Seavey Joyce, SJ) since 1917, when a president’s office was constructed in St. Mary’s Hall. Visible in the chancellor’s office are Monan’s family photos; a watercolor of his ancestral hometown of Portaferry, Northern Ireland; and awards and memorabilia from his time on the Heights. The room features 30 stained glass panels that portray distinguished Americans, including Samuel Clemens, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Louise Imogen Guiney, a Catholic poet and essayist.