Freshman class
Word power
Regine Jean-Charles, assistant professor of Romance languages and literatures
PhD, Harvard University
Representative publication: "'Terre et Chair': Rape, Land, and the Body in Gisèle Pineau's Macadam Dreams," in Reclaiming Home, Remembering Motherhood, Rewriting History: African American and Afro-Caribbean Women's Literature in the Twentieth Century, edited by Marie Drews and Verena Theile (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009)
My research focuses on francophone Caribbean and African literature as well as gender studies in Africa and the diaspora. I am particularly interested in the role and representation of violence against women in literature and culture. By teaching and writing about black women writers whose contribution to francophone literature has focused on the manifestations of gender violence, I hope to create greater awareness and understanding of this prevalent but relatively unstudied subject.