Freshman class II
Model plan
Cyril P. Opeil, SJ, assistant professor of physics
Ph.D., Boston College
Specialization: Condensed matter physics
Representative Publication: "Valence-band UPS, 6p core-level XPS, and LEED of a Uranium (001) Single Crystal," Physical Review
My research focuses on two areas: the low temperature thermodynamic properties of thermoelastic, ferroelectric, and thermoelectric materials, and the electronic structure properties of uranium. Advances in the physics underlying thermoelastic and ferroelectric materials will allow development of devices that can be remotely controlled by magnetic or electric fields. New thermoelectric materials will result in higher electric conversion efficiency and a potential for new energy technologies.
My continued interest in uranium stems from the mysterious nature of its d and
f valence electrons and our inability to provide an adequate computer model for this and other actinide materials, which are the 14 elements in the periodic table, from Actinium to Nobelium, and that include Uranium. Experiments on uranium will lead to improvements in computer modeling so that we can better understand actinide chemistry and meet the challenges of nuclear materials storage.