Freshman class
The smallest patients
Katherine Gregory, assistant professor of nursing
Ph.D., Boston College William F. Connell School of Nursing
Specialization: Development of preterm infants
Representative publication: “Update on Nutrition for Preterm and Full-Term Infants,” Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing
My research focuses on the nutrition, growth and development of preterm infants. How and what we feed preterm infants plays a significant role in the short- and long-term health outcomes for our smallest patients.
The sophisticated technology and drug therapies that have been introduced in neonatal intensive care have revolutionized nursing practice and the care of critically ill newborns. I became interested in preterm infant nutrition and feeding as I began seeing more and more babies survive beyond what would have been expected only a few years earlier. How to best take care of these babies and help them to grow led me to clinical research. It is my hope that I will make a contribution as a nurse researcher towards the optimal clinical outcome for these infants and their families.