Anne E. Trevethick ’05 (right)
Trevethick majored in communication and plans to attend the University of Connecticut School of Law this fall.
The First Amendment and Internet Filters: A Study of Boston Area Public Libraries after Implementation of the Children’s Internet Protection Act
Dale Herbeck, professor, communication department
“The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), adopted by Congress in 2001, requires libraries to install content filters on all Internet-accessible computers as a condition of participation in certain federal library programs. In an effort to assess the effect of this legislative initiative, Anne surveyed libraries in all 126 communities inside the I-495 beltway ringing Boston. Among the more notable findings, she found that the CIPA produced only a nominal increase in the number of libraries installing filters on all Internet-connect computers, that the effect of CIPA was most pronounced in communities receiving substantial federal funds, and that librarians were willing and able to disable filters for adult patrons.”