Comments on: Restoration arts Mon, 18 Jul 2016 13:25:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Degan Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:11:19 +0000 Erik,

True that the library’s “Brutalist” style is incompatible with the architectural finesse of its gothic companions, but it can also be said that it accentuates the beauty of Devlin, Gasson and St. Mary’s by sheer contrast. Furthermore, in fairness to the “visionaries”, they did see to it that O’Neill’s height would be lower than those of its statelier neighbors. Another ‘saving grace’ is the spacious, multi-tiered piazza, with its benches, nooks, fountain and greenery, which has become a natural ‘draw’ for the BC community. Indeed, some well-thoughout planning is going on!

By: Erik DeMarco Tue, 25 Oct 2011 20:48:26 +0000 Looks really good. Seeing how great this architecture is reaffirms what a poor job the visionaries did with the exterior of O’Neill Library. I wish it was consistent with the rest of our great campus, instead of the oddball that doesn’t match.

Maybe it would be a waste of money, but I’d love to see the exterior walls resurfaced with the matching brick type. I’d also like to see Walsh and Edmonds get a similar face lift to match the newer Lower Campus dorms.

By: Kathy Barkulis Sat, 22 Oct 2011 17:36:23 +0000 Simply spectacular !!

By: Ned-X Tue, 11 Oct 2011 22:10:51 +0000 She absolutely gleams!
Gasson was always my favorite building as an undergrad, but now she’s just spectacular! I can’t wait to take my sons to campus one day, and show them that daddy’s student loan payments are worth it!

By: Maicol Anginoni Thu, 06 Oct 2011 17:42:06 +0000 Hi I’m an Italian guy who loves Boston and our college. This building is wonderful, a very good renovation, congratulations! I’m waiting for Stokes Hall now. Hoping one day I’ll visit your campus.

By: Daniel J. Degan '74 Tue, 27 Sep 2011 14:01:05 +0000 I just want to add that it is entirely fitting for Gasson to be restored in such a splendid way, as its importance extends beyond Chestnut Hill, being the model on which were based the designs of other colleges’ own iconic tower buildings, namely those of Yale, Duke and Princeton!

Gasson’s design was largely responsible for establishing the Collegiate Gothic style in America, so its historical significance is well-worth bearing in mind.

By: Daniel J. Degan '74 Mon, 26 Sep 2011 13:38:17 +0000 This restoration is a wonderful tribute to the importance of BC’s signature building.

As a student I always felt the exterior to be too dark and uninteresting. Now, however, with its new lightness, one can readily appreciate Gasson’s fine architecture and beauty.

Well done, Boston College!

By: Colleen Coffey Peterson Wed, 21 Sep 2011 18:25:55 +0000 What a lovely restoration and photos to showcase it. I remember standing in line often (’70-’74) when the Bursar’s office was located in Gasson. Over the east (?) portal, there was the expression, “Quid Hoc ad Aeternitatem” (“What is this in the light of eternity”), which has ever since been my mantra in times of trouble. I hope it also survives the restoration.
Thank you for sharing these photos as I don’t have the opportunity to visit the campus often from Seattle.

By: Brian J Quinn Wed, 21 Sep 2011 14:42:51 +0000 Nice to see the job completed and your photos demonstrate the unique beauty of the building. As a parent (’07 and ’11) I was able to see the progress first hand, but to our grads who have not visited the campus recently, I’m sure this will bring back fond memories.
However, as a former geology major (freshman year only) at BC (’73) I was suprised to see the stone referred to as “puddingstone” rather than “Roxbury conglomerate” as I was taught.
Keep up the good work.

By: Richard Jefferson Wed, 21 Sep 2011 03:50:44 +0000 What a magnificent slide show. I think this renovation was a wonderful investment for the University
