Comments on: Prime movers Mon, 18 Jul 2016 13:25:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom O’Connell ’54 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:49:40 +0000 Tom O’Connor (whose name is almost the same as mine) was just beginning his teaching career at Boston College when I had him in U.S. History. He was so inspiring, genuine, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable that he motivated me to choose history & government as my A&S major. Then I went on to BU Grad School for my master’s in history. Based on his influence I have had a lifelong interest in matters historical. A few years ago I had the pleasure of serving as host of Channel 17’s “Books and the World” show here on Cape Cod when Tom was discussing his book “Boston Catholics.” Our interview was a reunion between professor and student! It was also a pleasure at the recent reunion to sit in on our esteemed University Historian’s review of “BC Then and Now.” What a special human being he is! Not a historical artifact…a treasure!

By: Carolyn (Berchoff) Darmiento ’99 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:49:16 +0000 Two people come into mind when I think of the faculty members whose inspiration lifted me through trying times. (Former Dean) John Burns and Professor Michael Martin are two incredibly caring people who supported me throughout an illness, cystic fibrosis, that was eating away at my body and spirit. I was so sick that I had to drive my car from the dorm to classes because I couldn’t breathe. I desperately needed a double-lung transplant, but I wanted to finish my education—who knew what kind of condition I would be in afterwards. Yet school was extremely difficult. IV infusions at the dorm and frequent hospitalizations to Boston Children’s was the only thing keeping me alive. But through it all, John Burns and Michael Martin were my mentors, my advocates, and my strength—they gave me the confidence to believe that despite my illness, I could graduate with a degree in biology, as a member of the Honors Program. Which I did. And I also had that transplant. For all that I will forever be grateful.

By: John O’Malley ’51 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:48:55 +0000 I will always remember with affection and deep respect Dr. Paul Boulanger, Professor of German, whom I would rank as the best teacher I ever had the pleasure of knowing. His tightly disciplined classes and challenging learning pace ingrained in those of us who were his students a work ethic which later carried us into successful, but demanding, professional careers.

By: Carol Hines Gleason ’56 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:48:20 +0000 Dr. John Fitzgerald taught a Freshman Survey of Literature class. From Dante to Gerald Manley Hopkins, from British satire to Irish plays, we had to memorize poems, submit brief essays every week; not only the final copy, but rough drafts, as well. Threaded through all of his lectures was the historical, political, social, spiritual relevance of a particular work. My aging mind can’t always recall proper names from last week. But, I can still remember “I caught this morning, morning’s minions” and “How could I love thee dear, loved I not honour more.” Dr. Fitzgerald exuded joy in all that he did. I think his best topic was Thomas More. He brought in a print of the famous painting, wrapped in a living room drape. (He had to get it back before the rest of the family got home.) At the end of the lecture he told us something like, “Thomas More was a Christian Humanist, and that’s what Boston College is all about.”

By: Joanne Stevens ’82 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:48:02 +0000 Dr. J. Paul Marcoux made a great impression om me. He made me feel welcome in the theatre department even though I was a biology major. He made me see a different side of myself and taught me that it was alright to want to express myself artistically. He was approachable and always willing to share his knowledge of theatre with a complete novice. It’s because of him that I made a career in regional theatre management and met my husband in doing so. He gave 100% to the Boston College theatre department and all of its students. I just wish I could have done this while he was still alive. He is greatly missed.

By: Carla Marin ’85 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:47:44 +0000 Paul Keaveney, in the fine arts department, was not only a wonderful and inspiring instructor and person who took a genuine interest in all his students, but became and remains a genuine friend. His laughter, humor, innate goodness, and genuine interest in people in and out of the classroom made life at BC all the better. His genuine kindness, extended to those rare persons who were unkind to him, is still vivid in my memory as a fine example of how to treat others as you would want them to treat you, despite their conduct. It was his encouragement and support during my years at BC and thereafter, especially the time he would make for me, was how he helped me become an attorney and a better person. And for that, I thank him.

By: Dennis K. Schaeffer ’89 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:47:15 +0000 I join Veronica Jarek-Prinz ’84 and Joe Bonito ’79 in sharing fond memories of Professor Mark O’Connor. While Mark’s strengths and talents as a teacher and mentor are too many to detail (and, likely, beyond my ability to catalog), I will say this: By giving so much of himself and demanding so much of me (and my classmates), Mark planted and nurtured in me a genuine, persisting need to read, write, and think about the world in a careful and critical way. For these gifts, I am forever in Professor O’Connor’s debt.

By: Anna Bamonte Torrance ’84 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:46:53 +0000 Fr. Francis J. Murphy is the professor who made a lasting impression on me. I took his European history course during my sophomore year and thereafter had the benefit and honor of his sage counsel and enduring friendship. When my father (in Pittsburgh) became ill during my junior year, I was scared and, being so far away, felt helpless. Fr. Murphy took time to talk to me and help me with through that tough period. He helped guide me through the decision of what to do after graduation (which, naturally, led to helping me through the graduate school application process). On campus, Fr. Murphy was a much sought after counselor (as evidenced by the lengthy line of students outside his office each day) because he was able to effectively reach out to students not so much by giving advice but by asking tough questions that forced us to think about our decisions and their consequences. As a college student, you want to believe you can have it all: a successful career, a big happy family. Fr. Murphy impressed upon me the reality that life is about setting priorities, making choices, and sometimes sacrificing what you want for a greater good. Though at the time I didn’t like hearing what he was saying, I began to think about my decisions.

By: John Taylor ’89 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:46:19 +0000 Fr. Julio Giulietti, a Jesuit who taught me two theology courses. His impact on me was so substantial that when I became confirmed in my Catholic faith at BC, I took his name as my confirmation name.

By: John M. Thompson ’79 Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:45:47 +0000 I took two of Professor Thomas Perry’s history classes. I was touched by his deep knowledge and thorough understanding of English history and its impact on everyday life and, more importantly, by his deep regard and respect for his students.
