Published: November 2015
Gotta dance, sing, connect, remember—scenes from the past five weeks.
October 16: FISTS (Females Incorporating Sisterhood Through Step) performs in Gasson 100 at the closing ceremony of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15–October 15). Established by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, the month begins with the independence anniversaries of seven Latin American countries and concludes after Columbus Day. Organizers of events on campus this year included the Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center, the Archbishop Oscar Romero Scholarship Committee, the Boston College Alumni Association, and the Latinos/as at Boston College Association. From left: Sammie-Marie Oluyede ’17, Danielle Patane ’18, Caitlin Tom ’16, Stephanie Delma ’16, Gabriella Facada ’17, Medina Geyer ’16, and Emily Janin ’18.
Photograph by Duncan Wilder Johnson
October 20: In the finale of Act One during the dress rehearsal for the theater department’s production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical Carousel in Robsham Theater, actors reprise the song “June Is Bustin’ Out All Over.” The show was directed by Michelle Miller ’98, the 2015–16 Monan Professor in Theater Arts. From left: Andrew Gaffney ’16, Olivia Koziol ’16, Jesse Lopez ’18, Jared Reinfeldt ’16, Amanda Melvin ’17, Chris Pinto ’16, John Robert Scordino ’17, Jenna Corcoran ’17, Sarah Whalen ’18, and Colin O’Neill ’19.
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
October 21: Ta-Nehisi Coates, a 2015 MacArthur Foundation fellow, Atlantic national correspondent, and author of this year’s National Book Award winner Between the World and Me, addresses a capacity crowd in Gasson 100 for a Lowell Humanities Lecture cosponsored by the Institute for the Liberal Arts and the Winston Center for the Leadership and Ethics.
Photograph by Caitlin Cunningham
October 24: Runners wait at the starting line on Linden Lane of the 11th annual Welles Remy Crowther Red Bandana 5K, which honors the 1999 alumnus and equities trader who rescued a dozen people from the World Trade Center before he died on September 11, 2001. To the left of the banner is Crowther’s father, Jefferson, and to the right, his mother, Alison. More than 1,500 students, alumni, and community members crossed the finish line. Baldwin cheered for all. The race was organized by the University’s Volunteer and Service Learning Center and the Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust.
Photograph by Peter Julian
October 29: Renowned Irish tenor Ronan Tynan instructs Ava Tessitore ’17 (standing, left) and Phoebe Lyons ’19 during one of his two vocal masterclasses in Gasson 100, sponsored by the music department. View a video from Tynan’s other masterclass.
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
November 5: With the thermometer reading 76, classes take to the outdoors behind Stokes Hall.
Photograph by Gary Wayne Gilbert
November 5: Brad Harrington, executive director of the University’s Center for Work and Family, presents research on the attitudes of Americans ages 18–34 toward work, during a conference in the Heights Room marking the center’s 25th anniversary.
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
November 5: Phil Schiller ’82 (far left), senior vice president for worldwide marketing at Apple, Inc., takes part in a panel discussion in Robsham Theater after delivering the keynote address to mark the opening of the Edmund H. Shea Jr. Center for Entrepreneurship at Boston College. Joining Schiller for talk of innovation and entrepreneurship are (from left) Nirah Shah, co-chairman, CEO, and cofounder of the home-goods e-commerce company Wayfair; Bijan Sabet ’91, general partner at the venture investment firm Spark Capital; and Jere Doyle ’87, the center’s executive director.
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
November 11: During the Veterans Remembrance Ceremony in Gasson 100, Army cadets John Carroll ’18, at podium, and Nicholas Stiker ’18 (out of picture) read the names of the 209 Boston College alumni who died in military service to their country. Rev. James Hairston ’04, an Anglican priest who served in the Army Chaplain Corps in Afghanistan in 2011–12 and now is in the Massachusetts National Guard, stepped forward to honor those who fell in the Korean War.
Photograph by Gary Wayne Gilbert
November 16: Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez, OP (center), widely regarded as the founder of liberation theology, receives the President’s Medal for Excellence from University President William P. Leahy, SJ, after addressing a packed Heights Room. Gutiérrez spoke as part of the “Our Faith, Our Stories” series sponsored by the Church in the 21st Century Center. Standing at left is Thomas Groome, the center’s director.
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini