Published: May 2008
Invited undergraduate poets from 20 Boston-area colleges and universities gathered in the Murray Function Room on the evening of April 14 to recite—or perform—their work at the Greater Boston Intercollegiate Poetry Festival. From 1987 to 2001, the festival rotated among area campuses. It was revived in 2006 by English professor and poet Suzanne Matson, with support from Boston College Magazine and the Office of the Provost. In the chapbook of participants’ poems Matson writes, “We celebrate not only what is distinctively individual about each offering, but also what we have in common as poets and lovers of poetry.”
Following a keynote address by Robert Cording Ph.D.’77, Barrett Chair of Creative Writing at the College of the Holy Cross and author of five books of poetry, each student took a three-minute turn to present one or more original poems before an audience of 100 students, family members, and faculty mentors.
@BC presents a video of the festival, which may be viewed in its entirety or by performer segment.