Shelter from the storm

Published: October 2005

In the aftermath of Katrina, thousands of college students from New Orleans, facing temporarily shuttered institutions, sought to continue their educations elsewhere, and Boston College, along with many other universities, opened its doors. Some 150 students from Loyola University of New Orleans and Tulane University enrolled at Boston College, tuition-free, for the fall semester through the Woods College of Advancing Studies. Two-thirds of these students were provided with housing at St. Williams’ Hall, a former seminary residence hall on the new Brighton Campus, after the city of Boston expedited approval of an occupancy permit.

On September 27 in St. Williams’ Hall, @BC interviewed five students from Loyola University studying at BC this semester: Samuel Sotolongo of Kenner, Louisiana; Alex Morris of Mobile, Alabama; Christie Cleveland of Los Angeles; Stephen Heno of New Orleans; and Holly Kangas of New Orleans. The students share stories of Katrina’s impact on them and their families, and their experiences as BC’s newest—if temporary—undergraduates.

This feature was posted on Thursday, October 20, 2005 and is filed under Videos.
Producer/writer: Hallie G. Sammartino