March 5, 2005

Cristina Velocci '06, Laura Grado '05, Pete Damilatis '05, Cheryl Riether '05, Allison Rush '08, and Kerry Phillips '08

On March 5 in front of Robsham Theater, 588 students, including (from left), boarded buses to begin the trip south for the one-week Appalachia Volunteers Program. During spring break each year, some 700 Boston College students volunteer in communities all over the world—from Appalachia, to Nicaragua, and Haiti—in programs that support the University’s Jesuit mission of forming “men and women for others.” Students spend the week on projects that improve infrastructure or educational opportunities in impoverished areas, and learn about the social and economic issues in the areas they visit. Read more about BC’s service and immersion programs and stories from spring break.

This feature was posted on Saturday, March 5, 2005 and is filed under Featured Photo.

Photo: Kris Brewer
Writer: Jeanne C. Williams