Brian Burns (center), who provided a gift to establish the John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections in 1986 in memory of his father, received the University’s Joseph Coolidge Shaw, SJ, Medal at a ceremony in the Thompson Room of the Burns Library on July 10, accompanied by (from left) Robert O’Neill, Burns librarian; Brian’s wife Eileen Burns; Cutberto Garza, provost and dean of faculties; and Jerome Yavarkovsky, University librarian. The medal—which, according to the citation, honors “noteworthy personal contributions to learning and culture as these are nurtured and preserved in libraries”—is named for Fr. Shaw, who in 1851 made the first book donation to Boston College, along with a monetary gift, thirteen years before the college accepted its first students. To learn more about Fr. Shaw, read the “Occasional Paper” by Charles F. Donovan, SJ, available on the eScholarship website. Burns is president and CEO of BF Enterprises, a real estate holding and development company, and is one of Irish America‘s 100 Irish American Business People.
This feature was posted on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 and is filed under Featured Photo.
Photo: Lee Pellegrini