Learning Irish Steps

Featured Photo

On January 17, Meghan Allen ’03 taught aspiring dancers the “Haymaker’s Jig” to live music performed by local musicians led by Sullivan Artist-in-Residence Seamus Connolly. More than 60 students and community members came to Gasson Hall for a CĂ©ilidh (Irish dance party, pronounced KAY-lee), one of six Irish music and dance programs to be presented this semester by the Center for Irish Programs.

Allen remembers listening to Irish music on the radio when she was growing up in Norwood, New Jersey. “My parents took me to an Irish festival when I was three. I said ‘This is what I want to do.’ I don’t think they knew what they were getting into!”

The five upcoming Irish Center programs will feature whistle and flute instructor Jimmy Noonan, accordionist Dan Gurney, guitarist Ted Davis, and uilleann piper Jerry O’Sullivan. More information can be found at the Gaelic Roots Spring Music Calendar at http://www.bc.edu/centers/irish/gaelicroots/

This feature was posted on Tuesday, January 23, 2007 and is filed under Featured Photo.

Photograph: Justin Knight