High notes

Published: June 2006

The Bostonians, Boston College’s oldest a cappella group, founded in 1986, garnered three 2006 Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards (CARA). @BC presents four selections from Antiqued, the group’s seventh album, which won for best mixed collegiate album. (Another BC group, the Acoustics, were runner-up for mixed collegiate song.)

Beyond concerts on campus and a national tour of colleges each spring, the Bostonians have also performed on MTV’s Real World New York, the Today show, The Price Is Right, and were selected for the Best of College A Cappella album for the past four years. The group will celebrate its 20th anniversary this fall.

Selections from Antiqued (2004)

  • Always,” soloist John Creegan ’04, arranged by Sean Collier ’03, as originally performed by Bon Jovi (CARA award for best mixed soloist)
  • Open Your Heart,” soloist Laura Fieseler ’03, arranged by Amy Buchwach ’04, as originally performed by Madonna (CARA runner-up for best mixed arrangement)
  • Amsterdam,” soloist Dimitrios Kotsinonos ’04, arranged by Diane Macedo ’04, as originally performed by Guster
  • Dreams,” soloists Stephanie Wolfe ’03 and Casey Girardi ’05, arranged by Dimitrios Kotsinonos ’04, as originally performed by the Cranberries

The Bostonians on Antiqued

Kelsey Asher ’07
Allie Baker ’06
Amy Buchwach ’04
Katherine Carttar ’05
Alex Chu ’07
Sean Collier ’03
John Creegan ’04
Laura Fieseler ’03
Casey Girardi ’05
Sarah Greenwood ’06
Megan Harriman ’07
Christopher Huang ’07
Ricky Hughes ’07
Andy Innocenti ’05
Eric Jokinen ’04
Dimitrios Kotsinonos ’04
Diane Macedo ’04
Meg McManama ’05
Matt Shineman ’06
Bobby Thompson ’03
Nick Todisco ’06
Adam Umhoefer ’03
Dan Viafore ’07
Shannon Williams ’06
Stephanie Wolfe ’03

This feature was posted on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 and is filed under Audio.
Audio courtesy the Bostonians