Published: October 2016
A sampling of the 22 tenured and tenure-track faculty who joined Boston College for the 2016–17 academic year.
Hanne Eisenfeld
Position: Assistant professor of classical studies, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: Ohio State University
Interests: Archaic and classical Greek poetry; Greek religion and myth
Representative publication: “Ishtar Rejected: Reading a Mesopotamian Goddess in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite,” Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 2015
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
M. Bumin Yenmez
Position: Associate professor of economics, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: Stanford University
Interests: Matching theory, auction theory, mechanism design, and choice theory
Representative publication: “Ranking by Manipulability” (with Peter Chen, Michael Egesdal, and Marek Pycia), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2016
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
Wan Sonya Tang
Position: Assistant professor of Romance languages and literatures, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: Yale University
Interests: Modern Spanish literature and visual culture, realism and the fantastic, women in the Spanish Civil War
Representative publication: “Sacred, Sublime, and Supernatural: Religion and the Spanish Capital in Nineteenth-Century Fantastic Narratives,” in The Sacred and Modernity in Spain: Beyond the Secular City (edited by A. Córdoba and Daniel García Donoso), 2016
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
Fazel Fallah Tafti
Position: Assistant professor of physics, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: University of Toronto
Interests: Superconductors, exotic magnets, more efficient thermoelectric and energy related materials
Representative publication: “Temperature-field Phase Diagram of Extreme Magnetoresistance” (with Q. D. Gibson, S. K. Kushwaha, N. Haldolaarachchige, R. J. Cava), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
Timothy Mangin
Position: Assistant professor of music, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: Columbia University
Interests: Ethnomusicology, the intersection of popular music, race, ethnicity, religion, and cosmopolitanism in West Africa and the African Diaspora
Representative publication: “Cosmopolitan Routes: Jazz in Senegal,” in Begegnungen: The World Meets Jazz (edited by Wolfram Knauer), 2008
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
Sokiente Dagogo-Jack
Position: Assistant professor of marketing, Carroll School of Management
Ph.D.: University of Washington
Interests: Nonconscious effects of brand identity elements
Representative publication: “Activating Stereotypes with Brand Imagery: The Role of Viewer Political Identity” (with Justin Angle, Mark Forehand, and Andrew Perkins), Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2016
Photograph by Tony Rinaldo
Yehua Wei
Position: Assistant professor of operations, Carroll School of Management
Ph.D.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Interests: Flexible manufacturing, service networks, risk mitigation
Representative publication: “Analyzing Process Flexibility: A Distribution-Free Approach with Partial Expectations” (with H. Bidkhori and D. Simchi-Levi), Operations Research Letters, 2016
Photograph by Gary Wayne Gilbert
Nadia N. Abuelezam
Position: Assistant professor of nursing, Connell School of Nursing
Ph.D.: Harvard University
Interests: Epidemiology, infectious diseases, social networks
Representative publication: “Can the HIV Epidemic Be Eliminated in South Africa Using Combination Prevention? A Modelling Analysis” (with A.W. McCormick, et al.), American Journal of Epidemiology, 2016
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
Deoksoon Kim
Position: Assistant professor of teacher education/special education, curriculum, and instruction, Lynch School of Education
Ph.D.: University of New Mexico
Interests: Second language and bilingual processes, integrating instructional technology in teacher education
Representative publication: “One Wiki, Two Groups: Dynamic Patterns of Interaction in ESL Collaborative Writing” (with M. Li), Journal of Second Language Writing, 2016
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
Cheryl S. Bratt
Position: Assistant professor of legal reasoning, research, and writing, Law School
Ph.D.: University of Michigan
Interests: Family law and education law
Representative publication: “Doing Like the Locals Do: Using the Legal Writing Classroom to Teach Local-Rule Practice,” Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing, 2014
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini
Ryan Williams
Position: Assistant professor of law, Law School
Ph.D.: Columbia University
Interests: Original meanings of the Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteen Amendments, intersection of constitutional rules and civil litigation process
Representative publication: “Due Process, Class Action Opt Outs, and the Right Not to Sue,” Columbia Law Review, 2015
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini