Published: September 2015
A sampling of the 44 tenured and tenure-track faculty who joined Boston College for the 2015–16 academic year.
Photographs by Lee Pellegrini
Babak Momeni
Assistant professor of biology, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: Georgia Institute of Technology
Interests: Quantitative and systems-biology approaches to the ecology and evolution of microbial communities
Representative publication: “Simulating Microbial Community Patterning Using Biocellion” (with Seunghwa Kang and Simon Kahan), Methods in Molecular Biology, 2014
Kristin Heyer
Professor of theology, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: Boston College
Interests: Social ethics, migration ethics, Catholic social thought, religion and politics, moral agency
Representative publication: “The Politics of Immigration and a Catholic Counternarrative: A Perspective from the United States,” Asian Horizons, 2014
Zhuoxin (Allen) Li
Assistant professor of information systems, Carroll School of Management
Ph.D.: University of Texas at Austin
Interests: The interaction of information technology and operations/marketing, including consumer behaviors and firm strategies in platform ecosystems and IT-enabled value chains (e.g., mobile app ecosystems, online crowdfunding, and dual-channel supply chains)
Representative publication: “Supplier Encroachment as an Enhancement or a Hindrance to Nonlinear Pricing” (with Stephen Gilbert and Guoming Lai), Production and Operations Management, 2015
Aeron Hunt
Assistant professor of English, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: University of Chicago
Interests: Victorian literature and culture, including popular culture, with a particular focus on gender and sexuality, associations between literature and economic life, and the figure of the veteran in literature
Representative publication: Personal Business: Character and Commerce in Victorian Literature and Culture, University of Virginia Press, 2014
Ethan Baxter
Associate professor of earth and environmental sciences, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: University of California, Berkeley
Interests: Studying the chemistry of diverse Earth materials (rocks, minerals, sediments, and more) to elucidate the timescales, rates, and mechanisms of broad and interdependent geological processes such as tectonics, metamorphism, subduction, global geochemical cycles, and lithosphere-hydrosphere-atmosphere interactions
Representative publication: “Evaluating chemical equilibrium in metamorphic rocks using major element and Sm–Nd isotopic age zoning in garnet, Townshend Dam, Vermont, USA” (with Matthew Gatewood, et al.), Chemical Geology, 2015
Claudia Olivetti
Professor of economics, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: University of Pennsylvania
Interests: Labor economics, family economics
Representative publication: “In the Name of the Son (and the Daughter): Intergenerational Mobility in the United States, 1850–1940” (with M. Daniele Paserman), American Economic Review, 2015
Franklin Harkins
Associate professor of Church history, School of Theology and Ministry
Ph.D.: University of Notre Dame
Interests: Medieval scholastic theology, ancient and medieval scriptural interpretation, Augustine and his reception in the Middle Ages, and the history of Jewish-Christian relations
Representative publication: “The Early Aquinas on the Question of Universal Salvation, or How a Knight May Choose Not to Ride His Horse,” New Blackfriars, 2014
Jinhee Park
Assistant professor, Connell School of Nursing
Ph.D.: University of North Carolina
Interests: Feeding difficulties of high-risk, preterm infants; biobehavioral methods for studying physiologic and behavioral parameters of infant feeding; influence of infant sleep on feeding outcomes
Representative publication: “Milk flow rates from bottle nipples used for feeding fragile infants after hospital discharge” (with Britt Pados, et al.) Advances in Neonatal Care, 2015
Carlo Maria Gallimberti
Assistant professor of accounting, Carroll School of Management
Ph.D.: Bocconi University
Interests: Debt contracts, borrower-lender information asymmetries, firms’ financing and investment decisions
Representative publication: Consolidation: Preparing and Understanding Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS [International Financial Reporting Standards] (with Antonio Marra and Annalisa Prencipe), McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2013
Samantha Teixeira
Assistant professor, School of Social Work
Ph.D.: University of Pittsburgh
Interests: How environmental hazards in the built environment of neighborhoods impact the well-being of youth, and how youth can be engaged in creating solutions to neighborhood problems
Representative publication: “’It Seems Like No One Cares’: Participatory Photo Mapping to Understand Youth Perspectives on Property Vacancy,” Journal of Adolescent Research, 2015