Freshman faculty

Published: October 2014


A sampling of the 44 faculty joining Boston College in the 2014–15 academic year.


Vishal Baloria
Assistant professor of accounting, Carroll School of Management
Ph.D.: University of Waterloo, Canada
Interests: Determinants and consequences of firms’ financial reporting and disclosure decisions
Representative publication: “A Lobbying Approach to Evaluating the Whistleblower Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Reform Act of 2010” (with Carol Marquardt and Christine Wiedman), working paper, Social Security Research Network, 2013
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

José Bento Ayres Pereira
Assistant professor of computer science, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: Stanford University
Interests: Machine-learning; probabilistic graphical models; distributed and parallel optimization algorithms
Representative publication: “Support Recovery for the Drift Coefficient of High-Dimensional Diffusions” (with Morteza Ibrahimi), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2013
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Marie Boltz
Associate professor of adult health, Connell School of Nursing
Ph.D.: New York University; previously tenured at New York University
Interests: Intervention to promote functional health and cognition in older adults; caregiving efficacy and coping with dementia and delirium
Representative publication: “Basic Physical Capability Scale: Psychometric Testing with Cognitively Impaired Older Adults” (with Barbara Resnick and Elizabeth Galik), American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 2014
Photograph by Caitlin Cunningham

Aurelia Campbell
Assistant professor of art history, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: University of Pennsylvania
Interests: East Asian architectural history; Ming-Qing (1368–1911) court arts; Buddhist material and visual culture
Representative publication: “The Form and Function of Western Han Dynasty Ticou Tombs,” Artibus Asiae, 2010
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Sean Clarke
Professor of nursing, Connell School of Nursing
Ph.D.: McGill University; previously tenured at McGill University
Interests: Organizational aspects of healthcare safety and quality; nursing administration research; occupational health and safety of nurses; policy and program evaluation
Representative publication: “Organizational Climate and Hospital Nurses’ Caring Practices: A Mixed-Methods Study” (with Genevieve Roche and Carl-Andy Dubois), Research in Nursing and Health, 2014
Photograph by Caitlin Cunningham

Andrew Davis
Assistant professor of Old Testament, School of Theology and Ministry
Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University; previously tenured at Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry
Interests: Israelite religion; sacred space; Jewish-Christian dialogue
Representative publication: “The Literary Effect of Gender Discord in the Book of Ruth,” Journal of Biblical Literature, 2013
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Hristina Dzhogleva
Assistant professor of marketing, Carroll School of Management
Ph.D.: University of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate School of Business
Interests: Self-control; interpersonal relationships; dyadic decision-making; social influence; social identity; interventions to promote healthy choices
Representative publication: “Should Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Understanding Self-Control Decisions in Dyads” (with Cait Poynor Lamberton), Journal of Consumer Research, 2014
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Kyung Hee Lee
Assistant professor of adult health, Connell School of Nursing
Ph.D.: University of Michigan
Interests: Psychological well-being of people with dementia; emotional response to nursing care
Representative publication: “Relationship between Observable Emotional Expression and Wandering Behavior of People with Dementia” (with Donna Algase and Eleanor McConnell), International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2014
Photograph by Caitlin Cunningham

Patricia McCoy
Liberty Mutual Insurance Professor of Law, Boston College Law School
J.D.: University of California, Berkeley, School of Law; previously tenured at the University of Connecticut School of Law
Interests: Insurance law; banking regulations
Representative publication: “Barriers to Forclosure Prevention During the Financial Crisis,” Arizona Law Review, 2013
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Michael McDannald
Assistant professor of psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University
Interests: Neural circuits in associative learning; the neural basis for predicting the presence and absence of aversive events; common neural encoding of the presence of rewards and the absence of aversive events
Representative publication: “The dorsal raphe nucleus is integral to negative prediction errors in Pavlovian fear” (with Benjamin Berg and Geoffrey Schoenbaum) European Journal of Neuroscience, 2014
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Jordan Nickerson
Assistant professor of finance, Carroll School of Management
Ph.D.: University of Texas at Austin
Interests: Corporate finance; executive compensation; structured finance; credit ratings
Representative publication: “Rating Shopping or Catering? An Examination of the Response to Competitive Pressure for CDO Credit Ratings” (with John M. Griffin and Dragon Yongjun Tang), Review of Financial Studies, 2013
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Nailya Ordabayeva
Assistant professor of marketing, Carroll School of Management
Ph.D.: INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France; previously assistant professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam School of Management
Interests: Visual and luxury marketing
Representative publication: “Predicting and Managing Consumers’ Package Size Impressions” (with Pierre Chandon), Journal of Marketing, 2013
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Lindsey O’Rourke
Assistant professor of political science, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: University of Chicago
Interests: International relations theory; U.S. foreign policy; military strategy; the Cold War
Representative publication: “What’s Special about Female Suicide Terrorism?” Security Studies, 2009
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Michael Russell
Professor of educational research, Lynch School of Education
Ph.D: Boston College; previously senior vice president at Measured Progress, Inc.
Interests: Technology and assessment
Representative publication: The Paradoxes of High-Stakes Testing: How They Affect Students, their Parents, Teachers, Principals, Schools, and Society (with George Madaus and Jennifer Higgins), 2009
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Natalya Shnitser
David and Pamela Donahue Assistant Professor (business law), Boston College Law School
J.D.: Yale Law School
Interests: Retirement security, including the provision of retirement benefits by private and public employers and the regulation of financial intermediaries
Representative publication: “Funding Discipline for U.S. Public Pension Plans: An Empirical Analysis of Institutional Design,” Iowa Law Review, forthcoming, 2014
Photograph by Christopher Soldt

Anjali Vats
Assistant professor of communication and African and African diaspora studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: University of Washington; J.D.: Emory University School of Law; previously tenured at Indiana University, Bloomington
Interests: The relationship between legal rhetoric and race; the role of free exchange of ideas in academic achievement and civic engagement
Representative publication: “Containment as Neocolonial Visual Rhetoric: Fashion, Yellowface, and Karl Lagerfeld’s ‘Idea of China’” (with LeiLani Nishime), Quarterly Journal of Speech, 2013
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

Eric Weiskott
Assistant professor of English, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D.: Yale University
Interests: Old English and Middle English poetry; prosody and poetics; digital humanities; history of the book; history of the English language
Representative publication: “Lawman, the Last Old English Poet and the First Middle English Poet,” in Layamon’s Brut and Other Medieval Chronicles: 14 Essays, edited by Marie-Françoise Alamichel, 2013
Photograph by Lee Pellegrini

This feature was posted on Friday, October 17, 2014 and is filed under Slideshows.