First responder

Journalist Bill Forry ’95 has covered the Boston area’s sizeable Haitian community since graduating from college—initially for the Dorchester Reporter, which his parents founded, then, beginning in 2001, for the offshoot Boston Haitian Reporter, of which he is managing editor. His wife, state legislator Linda Dorcena Forry ’96, is the daughter of Haitian immigrants and still has family on the island.

On January 15, @BC spoke with Mr. Forry about his experiences in the three days since a 7.0 magnitude earthquake leveled the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince. The interview took place at Forry’s newspaper offices in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhood and also two floors up in the same building, at the temporary quarters of the Haitian Crisis Referral and Support Center opened January 14 by city officials with private assistance.

This feature was posted on Friday, January 22, 2010 and is filed under Videos.
Producer: Ravi Jain; video: Ryan Newton.