Comments on: Disobedience Mon, 18 Jul 2016 13:25:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Hindy Sun, 04 Apr 2010 03:47:54 +0000 It seems the opposite of Obama socialism. Where the elitist state decides how to help those in need. When that happens, the help often goes to those who are undeserving.

By: Robert M. Bent Fri, 02 Apr 2010 03:20:12 +0000 Thank you for your work! Equity in the workplace is a goal everyone ought to support. In my view, fairness will be achieved when low wage workers demand it; the capital holders, with prehaps a few exceptions, are reluctant facilitators at best.
Mid-level managerial or supervisory disobediance suggests a level of awareness coupled with the power and will to do something to alter the equation. That sort of activity might have its limits but I have to support it!!

By: James Constable Fri, 02 Apr 2010 01:57:17 +0000 Acts of kindness are not disobedience, I sense, as much as payments in trade or in kind. The danger is that upper managment may not know the correct amount of compensation to pay. However, the advantage is that the fealty or loyalty groups formed tend to have a much higher retention rate – which not only avoids all kinds of costs, but tends to lead toward a much higher quality of life.

By: Tom Riley Wed, 24 Mar 2010 02:31:56 +0000 I have used your work to empower our managers in making the working environments that they control more humane than they have been.

By: Daniel McCarthy Tue, 23 Mar 2010 19:16:04 +0000 First of all, you are presupposing that the economy is “unfair”.
