Panoramas – @BC Mon, 19 Dec 2016 15:02:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The unseen Heights: Part II Sun, 28 Nov 2004 16:52:12 +0000 Visit “the hole,” home of the Zamboni; the hidden garden behind the Jesuit residence at St. Mary’s Hall; the Corcoran Commons kitchen; and the grandest personal office on campus.

View 360-degree panoramas of these seldom-seen Boston College sites. Choose one of the thumbnails above, then click on the photograph and drag to turn the camera. Use the “-/+” buttons to zoom.

QuickTime is required to access these images. See the @BC help page for more information on downloading this free software.

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Inside view: The unseen Heights Mon, 15 Mar 2004 20:06:54 +0000 Have you ever climbed to the Gasson bell tower? Walked through the utilities tunnel connecting Devlin and Gasson? Enjoyed a view of Boston from bleachers on the roof of St. Mary’s Hall? Taken infield practice in the dome that covers Alumni Stadium’s playing field in winter?

Now you can be there (virtually) and view 360-degree panoramas of these seldom-visited corners of Boston College. Click on the links at left, then click in a photograph and drag to turn the camera. Use the “-/+” buttons to zoom.

QuickTime is required to access these images. See the @BC help page for more information on downloading this free software.

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