The Office of News and Public Affairs
Commencement: U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry JD'76 addresses graduates. Sampling of coverage:
Boston Globe,
video highlights
School of Theology and Ministry Assistant Professor Hosffman Ospino’s study of U.S. Hispanic Catholic parishes. Sampling of coverage:
New York Times,
Boston Globe,
National Catholic Reporter
Carroll School:
post by Dean Andy Boynton (Forbes),
Op-ed by Center for Retirement Research Director Alicia Munnell (Boston Globe)
As Rosie’s Place volunteer, Achilles Aiken '14 formed friendship with Haitian immigrant he tutored.
Boston Globe
Law School:
Libby Professor of Law and Theology Cathleen Kaveny on health care reform (Commonweal),
Federal Appeals Clinic Director Laura Murray-Tjan on immigrants’ work rule (NPR)
Op-ed: Lynch School Assistant Professor Rebecca Lowenhaupt, visiting professor Martin Scanlan, on closing achievement gap.
Boston Globe
Seelig Professor of Philosophy Richard Kearney interviewed on atheists’ belief in God.
Irish Times
Q&A: Alumnus Mike Del Ponte discusses his startup Soma and efforts to address world’s water crisis.
Fortune magazine
Economic inequality analysis, by Theology Associate Professor Rev. Kenneth Himes, OFM and Ph.D. candidate Kate Ward.
National Catholic Reporter
BC Twitter channel @BostonCollege, maintained by Office of News & Public Affairs, ranked 13th most influential among U.S. universities.
Times Higher Education (UK)
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