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Perfect harmony

Video from @BC

Ninety-two past and present members of the Bostonians a capella group performed at the 25th anniversary concert in Devlin Hall on December 10.



Slideshow from @BC

From decision time to ice time to the power lunch, scenes from the last six weeks.


The ethicist

Article from Boston College Chronicle

Andrea Vicini, SJ, associate professor at the School of Theology and Ministry, is a doctor and priest who studies bioethical issues.


Going up

A Boston College Video Minute

Behind the scenes of a new special exhibition, Rural Ireland: The Inside Story, filmed at the McMullen Museum, January 23–February 2, 2012.




Undergraduate lecture series

A showcase for undergraduate research.

The whole truth

Article from Boston College Magazine

How an advertisement in the New York Times changed legal history.

Writers save

Video from Front Row

Alan Jacobs, the Clyde S. Kilby Chair Professor of English at Wheaton College (Illinois), on the role of literature in sustaining religious belief.

Cursing the Christians?

Video from the Boston College Libraries

Ruth Langer, associate professor in the theology department, discusses her new book on the evolution of the Birkat HaMinim, a Jewish prayer once intended to be a curse of the enemies of Israel, now an appeal that evil be struck from the world.

New additions

Slideshow from the Lynch School of Education

The Lynch School welcomes five new faculty members.


From The Office of News and Public Affairs

Political Science Associate Professor Jonathan Laurence on Europe's Muslims, subject of his new book. New York Times op-ed, MSNBC interview

Sloan Center on Aging & Work study: engagement in later years. Time.com, SmartMoney.com, USA Today

Op-ed: Law Assistant Professor David Olson writes that the Supreme Court should limit Congress's copyright power. Washington Examiner

Boston College's Chief Executives' Club of Boston ranked as top venue for women business leaders. More

Essay: McCarthy Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology Richard Gaillardetz authors lead piece in series on Vatican II at 50. America

Alumni online payment startup "WePay" lands Occupy Wall Street as a client. Forbes

President William P. Leahy, SJ, among Catholic education leaders honored for service at the White House as 'Champions of Change.' National Jesuit News

BC pledges $300K for technology upgrade in Newton Public Schools. Boston.com, More

Article written for a course by Rosemary Chandler '13, about a Boston ministry, published as the cover of Boston Globe's 'G' section.

The Broken Tower, a film based on University Professor of English Paul Mariani's biography of poet Hart Crane, is released on video. Boston Sunday Globe feature, photos

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