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Secrets revealed

Slideshow from @BC

At the McMullen Museum, artifacts from a long-lost city offer an early view of multiculturalism.


Sales call

A Boston College Video Minute

Final round of the Boston College Venture Capital Competition, Fulton Hall, April 13.


Googled: Bill Cain, SJ '70

Research from @BC

After 20 years of writing for television, Bill Cain has returned to the stage with a pair of award-winning plays.


High honors

Article from Boston College Chronicle

Presidential Scholar Aditya Ashok '12 is the recipient of a prestigious Truman Scholarship.



Slideshow from @BC

April 2011 | From a green day to Marathon Monday, scenes from the previous six weeks.



On the map

Website from Boston College

The University's new Google Map supplies directions, photographs, and information for all of the buildings on Boston College's three campuses.

The prodigal

Article from Boston College Magazine

Diane Ravitch, a once-ardent and high-profile advocate of charter schools and high-stakes tests, explains her recent conversion.


Video from Brigham Young University

Boston College computer science professor James Gips's technology helps people with severe disabilities to play, learn, and communicate.


Website from the Weston Observatory

The New England Seismic Network, operated by the University's Weston Observatory, monitors earthquake activity throughout the region.


Video from Front Row

The German ambassador to the United States, Klaus Scharioth, and five panelists discuss forms of opposition during the Third Reich.


From The Office of News and Public Affairs

Tech in the service of others—Q&A with Carroll School Egan Professor James Gips on Camera Mouse assistive technology. Boston Globe

Student-athlete mentor program at St. Columbkille's is "transformative" for youngsters. Boston Sunday Globe, Photos

Op-eds: Center for Retirement Research Director Alicia Munnell on Social Security and the deficit; public retirement plans. New York Times, Reuters

Burns Library chosen to house archive of Northern Ireland disarmament papers. Boston Globe article

BC Law dean named: Vincent D. Rougeau, Notre Dame Law School professor. Boston Globe article, National Law Journal, Boston Business Journal

The Center on Wealth and Philanthropy studies how super-rich Americans think, live, and give. The Atlantic, Time.com, NPR

Students stake BC's claim on Mile 21 of the Boston Marathon. Boston Globe

Op-Ed: Law professor Ray Madoff on commercial use of deceased celebrities' names. New York Times

Study on "The New Unemployables," co-produced by the Sloan Center on Aging & Work. CBS Sunday Morning story, video

Lynch School professor James Mahalik on the effect of masculinity on men's health. Boston Herald, WBUR Radio Boston

Send-off at Conte for Mass. Army National Guard members deployed to Afghanistan. Sampling of coverage: Boston Globe, WCVB-TV, photos

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