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Rite of spring

video from @BC

Heading for a vacation week of service in needy communities, undergraduates talk about the challenges and why they go.



slideshow from @BC

From marathon hopefuls to a lesson in television forensics, images from the past month.


Ken Burns to speak at Commencement

Article from the Boston College Chronicle

The creator of iconic documentaries about America's history and pastimes will address this year's graduates.


Performance peek

A boston college minute

BC bOp! rehearsal, Conte Forum, February 25, 2009.


Googled: James Balog '74

Research from @BC

A nature photographer documents the changing arctic scene.



The envelope, please

Website from the Center for Corporate Citizenship

In the Center for Corporate Citizenship's first "film festival," companies submitted short subjects about their civic contributions. View their submissions to see if you agree with 15,000 voters who selected the winners.

Art connection

e-newsletter from the Boston College Arts council

Epicenters is Boston College's new multimedia publication devoted to the presentation and discussion of poetry, music, film, fiction, painting, and photography.

Life support

Article from Boston College Magazine

The business of public schools is to educate children. The business of the Lynch School's Boston Connects program is to enable that education.

Principled policy in a dangerous world

Video from Front Row

Andrew Bacevich of Boston University, Fr. Bryan Hehir of Harvard, and Jean Bethke Elshtain of the University of Chicago discuss the place of realism and ethics in U.S. foreign policy.

Numeric advantage

website from the college of Arts & Sciences

The Mathematics Department's new website presents slideshows highlighting the interests of its undergraduate and graduate students.

Poetries of the Stranger

Poetries of the Stranger Graphic

April 17–19
7 p.m. Devlin Hall

Nine renowned poets will visit campus for a three-day festival, sponsored by the Guestbook Project and the Institute for Liberal Arts.

For more information and to view a live webcast of the programs, visit the Guestbook Project website.


From Public Affairs

Federal Reserve Board Chair Ben Bernanke will address Law School Commencement Boston Globe

Economist Utku Unver's computer model maximizes kidney donation benefits Health, U.S. News & World Report, Science Daily

Bank of America chief addresses CEO Club Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, CNBC

Use stimulus funds to "regreen" communities, biologist Eric Strauss urges CNN

MBA students get master class from Warren Buffet Office of Public Affairs

Israeli ambassador speaks at Law School Boston Globe, New England Cable News

Sloan Center study challenges conventional view of worker attitudes Wall Street Journal, Forbes

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