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On topic: Checks and balances

audio from @BC

Money's not everything in electoral politics, just the important thing. A conversation with Boston College's Jennifer Steen and Marc Landy, and consultant Michael Goldman.


Gothic facelift

story from boston college chronicle

Work is beginning to restore the Tower on the Heights


Googled: Julianne Malveaux '74, MA'06, from pundit to president

Research from @BC

A prominent media commentator will lead Bennett College



Old money

data from the center for retirement research

Retirement ages, pension details, money invested in real estate—all this and much more on the Frequently Requested Data page of the Center for Retirement Research.

Come fly with me

video from alumni association

Faculty members Mark O'Connor and Ourida Mostefai talk about their travel-study trips to Europe this spring, sponsored by the Alumni Association.

What did the Easter Rising really change?

Video from Front Row

Peter Hart takes a fresh look at the "terrible beauty" born in Dublin in April 1916.

By the numbers

From Boston College Magazine

A demographic snapshot of the University's undergraduates.

In previous episodes . . .

video from youtube

The NY Times calls it a "sizable feat": Joe Sabia '06, of "The BC" fame, and his childhood friend, Paul Gulyas, have boiled down six seasons of "The Sopranos" mayhem to seven minutes and posted the resulting stew on Youtube. (Don't blink!)

A special invitation

Photograph of Tim Russert

to participate in "Catholic Senators and Presidential Candidates: Their Faith and Public Policy," at 7 p.m., Monday, April 23 in Conte Forum, with senators Chris Dodd and Sam Brownback, moderated by Tim Russert

Register to attend

Access the webcast site


From Public Affairs

BC holds vigil for the shooting victims at Virginia Tech. Fox News, WBZ-TV, WCVB-TV

BC among parents' "dream schools." Princeton Review [.pdf]

Antiterrorism agency taps Boston-area researchers. Boston Globe

Preschoolers who speak Spanish at home lose that language and struggle wih English. Reuters

Solar flares pose threat to GPS, say BC scientists. AP, Science Daily, Audio

Rethink America's deportation laws, writes Law School staff member. Washington Post

A reflection on the 200th anniversary of slavery's abolition in Britain. Christian Science Monitor

BC sociologist on the history behind L'Affaire Imus. Boston Globe, WBUR-FM

Carlo Rotella writes on America's "great black hope." New York Times Magazine

More news from BC Chronicle

More news from BCInfo


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