Googled: Lesley Visser '75, for love of the game
Research from @BC
Being the first woman recognized by the Pro Football Hall of Fame is just the latest honor in a 30-year journalism career.
Benedict and Islam
Website from the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning
Commentary on the controversial talk given by Pope Benedict XVI that sparked international protests in many Islamic countries, including statements from the Vatican and analyses of the speech.
Science and consequence
Website from the University
The inaugural issue of Ethos, an electronic journal devoted to student scholarship on bioethics, is published by students in Boston College's Mendel Society.
Have field, will play
Video from Boston College Bands
A recruitment video from the Boston College Bands Program features interviews with students from the University's 180-strong "Screaming Eagles" Marching Band interspersed with performance clips.
"Beyond the Empire of Jim Crow"
Video from Boston College Front Row
Nikhil Singh, author of Black Is a Country, on the role of race in the formation of U.S. domestic and foreign policy since World War II, part of the New Directions in African Diaspora Research lecture series.