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Team Hoyt on the road

Team Hoyt

Video from @BC

On the occasion of their 25th Boston Marathon, Dick and Rick Hoyt star in a film for the disabled and everybody else.


U.S. News Cover

Moving up

Story from Boston College Chronicle

In US News's graduate school list, the Carroll School rises 13 places to 41st in the nation, the Lynch School ranks 19th and the Law School 27th.


John Mahoney

Native sound

Audio from @BC

On his new CD, John Mahoney, long celebrated for his classroom recitations, reads American poetry and prose on the theme of freedom.


On the red carpet

The winners are

Video from @BC

The 2006 Baldwin Awards, from a teen-angst drama to a send-up of Curb Your Enthusiasm.


Woman at Boston College

A woman's place

Story from Boston College Chronicle

The Council for Women of Boston College premieres a documentary film Making Our Place: A History of Women at Boston College.



Narrative lines

Website from the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning

An online tutorial explores four Gospel accounts of the death of Jesus.

The politics of stem cell research

Video from Boston College Front Row

Gareth Cook, a Pulitzer Prize-winning health and science reporter for the Boston Globe, on "Stem Cells and the 'Truth': Ethics, Fraud, and the Politics of Science."


Website from the Arts Council

The University's eighth annual Arts Festival will honor alumnus Amy Poehler '93.

In business

Website from the Carroll School of Management

Inaugural events at the new Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics.


From Public Affairs

BC to assist local Catholic elementary school. National Catholic Reporter (PDF), BC Chronicle

"No better time to be at BC." The Heights

English professor Carlo Rotella awarded Guggenheim Fellowship. BC Public Affairs

The University's sixth Truman Scholarship in eight years. BC Public Affairs

C21 on C-SPAN: "Catholic Politicians in the U.S.: Their Faith and Public Policy." C-SPAN (RealPlayer required)

BC sociologist lauded for inventing a fantasy baseball prototype. Boston Globe

John Garvey on the Catholic Church and gay adoption. Boston Globe

Red Sox v. BC Eagles in Florida. WCVB-TV (video), BC Chronicle

The BC, one of 10 things to love this week. Entertainment Weekly

Survey: Parents dream of Boston College. BC Chronicle

The student behind the Baldwin mascot mask. Daily News Tribune (PDF)

More news from BC Chronicle

More news from BCInfo


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