Comments on: Big man on campus Mon, 18 Jul 2016 13:25:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Donna Henderson O'Brien '71 Mon, 13 Oct 2008 14:05:41 +0000 On a warm summer night in May of 2007, our daughter, Caitlin, called us from Mary Ann’s (not an unusual venue for a BC senior on Thursday). Being somewhat of a hover mother and somewhat used to her spirited antics I asked her: What’s wrong, Caitlin???” Quickly she responded: “Nothing! Guess who is at Mary Ann’s?” I suggested Fr. Leahy, which was met with her respons: “No! Even better! Tim Russert is here and he just bought me and my roomates a beer. He was at the bar getting beers and he turned around and asked us what we wanted. He bought us a round!” After we oohed and ahhed for a few minutes she went back to her gang. I turned to my husband and said: “Now, that is a good guy”.

We always admired Tim the hard driving truth seeking journalist. Meet the Press was what followed Mass at St. Mary’s in Charlestown on Sunday and our kids would actually pay attention to what Tim Russert had to say. They were intrigued by his regular guy, what you see is what you get self. But, weren’t we all?

As Tim Russert would say: “What a country!” Tim, the next one is on us.

By: Frederick J. Lewis '58 Tue, 12 Aug 2008 17:20:51 +0000 Tim Russert became a part of the core of people whom he encountered; some to a higher degree and some to a lesser degree. He was  a journalist whom one encounters only once in a lifetime. to me he was a perfect example of a complete person. He always remained loyal to his faith; he remained loyal to his family; and he remained loyal to his audience. He never let his own political opinions enter into his objective reporting. It was fitting that he became a great Friend of Boston College and that Boston College became a friend of his. The one most important precepts that I .as a 1958 graduate of Boston College, came away from Boston College with in my life was the value of loyalty. That includes loyalty to my Faith; to my Family, to my career, to my Boston College and to my Boston Red Sox. So, Tim Russert, lead the way in paradise so that when we all arrive eventually we will again meet you and “meet the Press”.
Frederick J. Lewis ’58

By: M.C.Downer 82' Tue, 12 Aug 2008 17:19:43 +0000 I’ve never been a celebrity. I’ve never had a parent that was a celebrity and most of you have not either. I am a graduate of Boston College ( 82′) and have seen them with their families just as you have. I have seen them embrace the BC community as their own, just as you have and I am just as saddened as you are when one of our family leaves us too soon.
Tim Russert was one of a long line of parents that wanted no more than the best for his family and to enjoy every moment he had so that he would have no regrets. To his son Luke, he was Dad. There was no celebrity for him, he was Dad. He admired him, became friends with him and honored him by growing into a young man that I believe will fulfill a legacy that we as BC Alums will all be proud of.
I never knew either of them personally, but I felt that I knew him because he came into my living room, bedroom, media room or den on Meet The Press and converted complicated politics into a language that we could all understand. H e was Tim from down the street, around the corner or from your neighborhood pub.
I have known many “local” personalities who may remind me of Tim Russert but there will only be one. Perhaps I can challenge all of you to look at the world from a truly objective eye as I believe he did and then we too can honor his memory as we pass through our own lives.
My most sincere sympathies go out to the Russert Family. I lost my Dad when I was 12 and can only imagine the relationship and memories that Luke has with his Dad. And I can also only hope that the memories my children will have of me will likewise honor me.
When I came to BC, we were taught to give back to the community…………….that’s why I’m writing. Perhaps when you look at your own live or those around you , you will look at them objectively and as honestly as Mr. Russert did.
M.C.Downer 82′

By: Debbie Nichols Tue, 01 Jul 2008 03:21:40 +0000 I had the utmost pleasure in meeting Tim Russert when our children were incoming freshmen at BC. Tim wanted to be a “regular guy” and just another parent to a student at BC. On May 19th, as we watched his son and our daughter graduate under beautiful blue skies we acknowledged each other; he and Maureen sitting in the enclosed press box, and we sitting in the last row of the bleachers. After the formal ceremony Tim ran down onto the field to see Luke and took the time to pose for a photograph with Paige – something we will treasure forever. As he saw the seats on the field become empty he asked me, “Can we sit down on the field now?” I answered, “Tim, I think you can sit wherever you want to….” Tim Russert never felt entitled or displayed any sense of arrogance – he truly was just a regular guy just like any one of us. What a beautiful, unselfish gentleman. I am blessed to have made his acquaintance.

By: Kathleen Hayes Tue, 01 Jul 2008 01:44:47 +0000 Where to begin…? Such a lovely, brilliant, “everyman”…… I never met him personally, but like millions, he was my most trusted advisor when it came to sorting through the garbage delivered during the election coverage. What will I do now? Who will provide the balance? And to top it all off, he was unabashed about his devotion to his son at BC… as am I about my own 2 BC students…. but he didn’t care what anyone thought about his “allegiance’ to BC…he wore it on his sleeve, and we loved him for it.
I’ve never been so affected by the death of a “STRANGER”? He didn’t feel like a stranger to me, and I miss him terribly. I can’t even begin to imagine the void his beautiful wife and son have to deal with every day. I hope God is as good as we know Him to be, and that He gives them the grace to get through this…….

By: George E. Roberge Mon, 30 Jun 2008 20:46:30 +0000 I had eight years of Jesuit education, graduating from BC in 1963, A persons values and ethics are the most important things in life to me. Tim Russert’s passing leaves me with a feeling of apprehension and pessimismn as who can I listen to and trust in the news media.
Not included in $1billion plan is any moneys to expand and broaden the Schools of Arts and Sciences, and Communications for purposes of sending BC grads into the world to follow in the footsteps of men such as Tim Russert.
The University of Richmond 15 years ago founded the Jepson School of Leadership, with General Arnold Schwartanager on the Board of trustees, along with many of America’s finest other leaders from all walks of life, for purpose of building leaders in all walks of life.
Our motto “EVER TO EXCEL” says volumes. We owe it to Tim Russert and ourselves to follow in his foot steps

George E. Roberge

By: Valerie D. Lewis-Mosley MSJ,RN '79' Fri, 27 Jun 2008 21:11:11 +0000 As a graduate of the class of 1979 I was moved to hear the wonderful commencement speech presented by Mr. Russert.
Upon hearing of his death I was sad that this world had lost of the champions who was proud of his Catholic faith and put his faith into actions as we are called to do in the Letter of St James which states faith without action is a dead faith.
Mr Russert’s faith was a living testimony to what it means to be Catholic a universal man from a universal church for a universal world. As an alumni of Boston College and the co originator of the term AHANA I can say that Mr. Russert was the exemplerary example of a Man speaking for all the People
His physical presence will be missed but the essence the spirit of the man and his words will live on. His life speaks to the volume of who we are as Church. He was truly and authentically Catholic and we have all been blessed by his life.
I am sure that the entire student population and alumni of Boston College will hold him and his family in their prayers.

As a Catholic and the co originator of the AHANA acronym for Boston College I know the world has been served by this servant of God who spoke for the values and respect of all humankind. May the peace of Christ be with his Family

By: Mark O'Connor Fri, 27 Jun 2008 18:50:45 +0000 As a 2004 graduate of the GSOM, I had the opportunity to hear Tim Russert’s commencement address. He noted that it is difficult to recall much of what is said in those addresses. Part of the reason is that it is difficult to hear from the audience, as it was that day. But I remember Tim’s positive attitude and inspiring message, and his call to serve and to do the right thing. I’m glad I had a chance to hear it again. He echoed several of my reasons for choosing BC. While Tim will be truly missed, his message lives on in those he inspired along the way.

By: Mark Anthony Adams Fri, 27 Jun 2008 18:18:09 +0000 This is what Tim Russert meant to me and to so many. He was one of a few professional and objective journalists that remained (whom just wanted to uncover the truth). And because of that he most definitely will be missed – the days of a “Walter Cronkite” style of professional journalism, which Tim embodied are now long gone. We are now plagued and left with these 24/7 viral cable news programs that are more so “Entertainment Tonight” than real substantive, objective and truthful news. Will Sunday’s “Meet The Press” still somehow in someway continue on? – Yes, but as we all know, the shoes left behind by Tim Russert for someone else to fill will be an enormous feat. By the way, there’s one more reason why I will miss Tim – It gave me great pride and joy to watch him after many news programs end by giving a shout out by saying “GO BC EAGLES!” We all love you and we’ll miss you, Tim!

By: Sue Frause Mon, 23 Jun 2008 14:36:21 +0000 Thanks, Ben. A lovely tribute. As a parent of a Class of 2002 graduate, I thought I’d share my thoughts about Tim Russert with the BC community in my Seattle P-I Blog.
