Comments on: Untold stories Mon, 18 Jul 2016 13:25:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thomas Alton, A&S 1980 Tue, 07 Oct 2008 01:34:56 +0000 What a fascinating account of Boston College through its years! I have long admired Professor O’Connor’s life as an historian and I have several of his books on Roman Catholicism in Boston. His final comment on Boston College, which is the university’s recent acquisition of land once occupied by the Archdiocese of Boston (including most parcels owned by Saint John’s Seminary), wonderfully summarizes Boston College’s growth from a college populated by day students to the university ‘city’ that Thomas Gasson (who moved the college from Boston’s South End) had envisioned. I totally agree with Professor O’Connor’s comment that BC is still a ‘community’. I felt that sense of community when I attended my 25th class reunion in 2005. I hope that remains, not only for my 30th reunion in 2010 but for future generations of students.
