Comments on: On the street Mon, 18 Jul 2016 13:25:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Huy Trinh BC'09 Thu, 28 Jun 2007 14:08:27 +0000 This documentary is about protests that take place at our nation capital and not about the Second Iraqi War. The protesters against the War take center stage in the movie because they are there in force and because this is the issue that moves them (and I dare say the nation as a whole). After watching the movie twice, I fail to see any image or clip that shows off the war, all I saw was passionate people showing up on the doorstep of their employees (our politicians) and demand accountability and answers. To take this wonderfully done documentary and suggest that it has a biase slant against the war is a failure to understand the documentary under the context it was made: How everyday citizens make their voice heard. If Mr. Porter went to DC in a pre-9/11 world, I’m sure the pro-life/pro-choice, gun-control, global-warming, and a host of other issues will take center stage in the protest, but sadly in this War against Terror, War is all we know.

By: Andrew Curran BC '98 Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:53:03 +0000 Who has ever suggested that E.M. Kennedy, J.F. Kerry, & N.A. Pelosi are perfect? I agree that balance – and more importantly, truth – in journalism is important. Too bad we don’t hear more balanced reporting and discussion on the AM radio dial. Unbalanced reporting and the twisting of facts is a daily occurrence on radios all across America thanks to S. Hannity, R. Limbaugh, M. Drudge, B. O’Reilly, L. Ingraham, N. Boortz, G. Beck, M. Reagan, L. Larson, B. Ferguson, M. Medved, et al.

By: Paul Lanzillotta BC '53 GU '61 & 64' Wed, 14 Feb 2007 17:05:43 +0000 I agree with the comments of Mary Denise O’B. Dunn. Why not include balance to the protesters shown; for example the visually powerful sight of “Bikers” on their Harley Davidson’s who travel great distances to attend the funeral services for military personnel killed in combat or by acts of suicide bombers?

By: Mary Denise O'B. Dunn Tue, 13 Feb 2007 21:48:29 +0000 As a 1958 Graduate of BC, it is always of interest to me to learn about the activities and interests of undergraduate and graduate
Regarding Mr. Porter’s filming of the summertime “protest” in Washington, DC….how I do wish he also would find time to film gatherings of those of us who support President Bush. Is he
perfect? Of course not! No human being is perfect.
Oh, how foolish of me! There are perfect people whom we all
know and from whom we hear all too often. E.M. Kennedy, J.F. Kerry, N.A. Pelosi, et al….perfect “pols”, perfect protestors, perfect pretenders, “perfect catholics” (Note: not Roman Catholics) in their own view, that is. But, alas and alack, they are as imperfect human beings as are we all. Good luck, Mr. Porter…a sincere wish from an older Eagle!
