From September 16 to October 14, the University marked Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) with a campus-wide series of events, including musical and dance performances, a “Latin Food Night” at Carney, Corcoran, and Stuart dining halls, and the screening of Sin País and Letters From the Other Side, two films about migrant families and the U.S. immigration system. Victor Rios, associate professor of sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, lectured September 20 on the topic of his book Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys (2011). And Hispanic alumni returned to campus October 5 to take part in a panel discussion on career paths and professional networking. The four-week celebration was organized by the Office of AHANA Student Programs, Latino/as at Boston College, the Archbishop Oscar Romero Scholarship Committee, and the Hispanic Heritage Planning Committee.
Above, Señor Baldwin joins students, including Enrique Saldivar ’14 (right), on O’Neill Plaza September 16 for HHM’s opening event, the Latin Soul Arts festival.