Published: September 2009
The Robsham Theater Arts Center’s performance season opens October 7 with the premier of Code Monkey, a musical comedy written and directed by adjunct associate theater professor Luke Jorgensen ’91. Set in a pharmaceutical company, the play is based on songs by Jonathan Coulton, a former “code monkey” (computer programmer) turned singer-songwriter. “I was taken by [Coulton’s] satire of office life and technology,” says Jorgensen, who recounts “working backwards” from the songs to produce a script. Students fill the play’s 16 cast positions and serve as stage managers, costume and lighting designers, and multimedia developers. Above, on September 17 in the Bonn Studio Theater, Jorgensen (in blue shirt) directs (from left) Meghan Crosby ’12, Christopher Graham 10, Margaret Maguire ’13, and Margaret Carr ’10.