
Featured Photo

The Book As Art: Artists’ Books from the National Museum of Women in the Arts, on view at the McMullen Museum of Art from February 14 to May 31, presents the creations of 82 artists from 25 states and 12 foreign countries. These “books” are not the familiar volumes lining library shelves. For example, Brenda Watson’s Comment Attirer les Oiseaux? (How to Attract Birds?) is a series of oil paintings on aluminum, rubber, and thread in a book shaped like a bird’s wing. Another piece comprises printed sheets of muslin hanging from a clothesline. In addition to conventionally bound paper folios, there are sculptures and objects made of wood, paper mache, leather, and metal. One book appears to have a bite taken out of it. The works are divided thematically under titles such as “Nature,” “Food and Body,” “Dreamers and Magicians,” and “Autobiographies.” Above, the McMullen Museum’s exhibition designer Diana Larsen (seated) works with preparator Maya Urbanowicz to install framed silkscreen images by Inez Storer.

This feature was posted on Friday, February 6, 2009 and is filed under Featured Photo.

Photograph: Lee Pellegrini