On the weekend of January 22-24, the Theater Department Workshop presented Nicky Silver’s 1993 dark comedy, Pterodactyls, which chronicles the unraveling of a dysfunctional upper-middle class family. According to director Lauren McLaughlin ’09, “It’s about how the American dream can fall apart, and with the current mess in the economy, it’s very poignant.” After their selection in October, the five cast members—including (above, l-r) Lindsey Simcik ’10, Caitlin Benya ’09, and Zachary Desmond ’12 at a January 21 dress rehearsal, plus Shan Agish ’09 and John Siravo ’09—held some 50 rehearsals for the student production. “You get used to doing your homework at midnight,” said McLaughlin. “It’s a phenomenal exercise in teamwork.”
This feature was posted on Friday, January 30, 2009 and is filed under Featured Photo.
Photograph: Christopher Huang