Subject: Ming Zhengtong 明正統, Emperor of China, 1427-1464

Pitailu 否泰錄. Beishilu 北使錄. Zhengtong linronglu 正統臨戎錄. Beizheng shiji 北征事蹟. Zhengtong beishou shiji 正統北狩事蹟
AuthorLiu Dingzhi 劉定之, 1409-1469Yuan Bin 袁彬, 15th cent.Li Shi 李實, jinshi 1442
PlaceChangsha 長沙
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 3974
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1936 v. 3974
Description26, 33, 54, 18, 18 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NotePitailu 否泰錄 / Liu Dingzhi zhu 劉定之著. Beishilu 北使錄 / Li Shi zhuan 李實撰. Zhengtong linronglu 正統臨戎錄 / Zhuanren bu xiang 撰人不詳. Beizheng shiji 北征事蹟 / Yuan Bin zhuan 袁彬撰. Zhengtong beishou shiji 正統北狩事蹟 / Zhuanren bu xiang 撰人不詳.
"據紀錄彙編本排印"--(北使錄, 正統臨戎錄, 正統北狩事蹟).
"據紀錄彙編借月山房彙鈔及澤古齋重鈔本排印"--(北征事蹟). 民國26 [1937].

All references based on : Franke, W., An introduction to the sources of Ming history, with minor corrections. N.B. Zhu Qizhen 朱祁鎮, Ming Zhengtong 明正統, Temple name Yingzong 英宗.
Pitailu 否泰錄. (middle of 15th century)....Record of the events in Beijing and in the headquarters of the Oirat chieftain Esen from the beginning of the campaign in 1449 to the return of the captive emperor Yingzong in 1450....See p.60 [2.5.1]
Beishilu 北使錄.... Li Shi 李實, jinshi 1442. Narrative of the author’s personal experience; he went several times to the camp of Esen in order to negotiate the release of the captive emperor. It covers the time from the capture of the emperor in 1449 to his return to Beijing the following year. Other titles: Chushi lu 出史錄, Shibei lu 使北錄...See p. 60 [2.5.2]
Zhengtong linrong lu 正統臨戎錄. (middle 15th century)...Yang Ming 楊銘 (a Mongol with the original name Haming 哈銘)...Accounts of the captive Emperor Yingzong, whom Yang Ming together with Yuan Bin accompanied. The narrative is written in the colloquial language and is more detailed than that of Yuan Bin. A refacimento of this narrative in the literary language is the Zhengtong beishou shiji 正統北狩事蹟. It has, of course, much less value as a historical source. See p. 60 [2.5.3]
Beizheng shiji 北征事蹟 (1465)...Accounts of the campaign and events during the captivity of Emperor Yingzong, whom Yuan Bin as an officer of the Imperial Guard accompanied. According to Wada Sei, the text is based upon the report made by Yuan Bin but actually written by Yin Zhi 尹直 and submitted in 1465. See p. 60 [2.5.4]