Subject: China--History--Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901--Personal narratives, British

Peake in China : memoirs of Ernest Cromwell Peake
AuthorPeake, Ernest Cromwell, 1874-1950Spurling, Hilary
PublisherThe British Library
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberR722.32.P43 A3 2014
Description222 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 24 cm
NotePeake in China : memoirs of Ernest Cromwell Peake / with an introduction by Hilary Spurling.
Includes index.
Note that Hengyang 衡陽 was known as Hengzhou 衡州 ["Heng-chow"] at this time.

Contents: Arrival -- Up the Yang-tse-Kiang to Hankow -- By house-boat to Heng-chow -- Early days -- Digging in -- A call on the Tao-t'ai -- The Chinese doctor -- Preparatory studies -- Some traits in the Chinese character -- Historical and political -- The Boxer rising -- Last years of the Empress-Dowager -- Kuling -- Overland to Canton -- The case of Mr Sung -- The clinic -- Emergency calls -- Research -- The new hospital -- Revolution -- The hospital at Tientsin -- The daily round.

ISBN0712357416 ; 9780712357418
seige of the Peking Embassy, 1900 : Sir Claude MacDonald's report on the Boxer Rebellion
AuthorMacDonald, Claude Maxwell, Sir, 1852-1915
PublisherStationery Office
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesUncovered editions
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS772.2.M33 2000
Description296 p. : maps ; 19 cm.
NoteThe seige of the Peking Embassy, 1900 : Sir Claude MacDonald's report on the Boxer Rebellion.
Originally published as: Cd 257, 1900 and Cd 442, 1901.
ISBN0117024562 ; 9780117024564