Author | Li Zhizhong 李致忠, 1938-Zheng Ruozeng 鄭若曾, 1503-1570 |
Place | Beijing Shi 北京市 |
Publisher | Zhonghua shuju 中華書局 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | DS753.Z536 2007 |
Description | 10, 12, 1032 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. |
Note | Chouhai tubian 籌海圖編 / Zheng Ruozeng zhuan ; Li Zhizhong dianjiao 鄭若曾撰 ; 李致忠點校. ***Graphic resource: Ming era block-print coastal maps, ships, weapons and training of troops, armor, firearms. "Kang Wo 抗倭" defense against Japanese pirate incursions. "Chouhai tubian 籌海圖編 (1561-62). 13 juan by Zheng Ruozeng 鄭若曾 (shengyuan of the early Jiajing peiod...). Maps and geographical and historical materials relating to the coastal defense from Liaodong to Guangdong during the Ming period. Illustrations of ships and armaments are included. There are five different editions...." (see pref.). Cf. Franke, An introduction to the sources of Ming history, p. 223-224 [7.8.10]. |
ISBN | 9787101023770 ; 7101023770 |
Author | Zheng Mao 鄭茂, jinshi 1553Cao Lütai 曹履泰, jinshi 1625 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 3226 |
Shelf | Admin. Office Gallery |
Call Number | AC149.T76 1936 v. 3226 |
Description | 10, 2, 4, 64, 2 p. ; 17.5 cm. |
Note | Jinghai jilüe 靖海紀略 : [4卷] / Zheng Mao zhuan 鄭茂撰. Jinghai jilüe 靖海紀略 / Cao Lütai zhu 曹履泰著. "據別下齋叢書本排印"--colophon. 民國25 [1936]. [Jinghai jilüe [i] 靖海紀略] (after 1554), by Zheng Mao 鄭茂, jinshi 1553 ..... Record of the invasion by the Wo pirates of the coastal areas of southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang in 1554.....To be distinguished from another work with the same title (2.8.6). Cf. Franke, An introduction to the sources of Ming history, p. 222-223 (7.8.5) [Jinghai jilüe [ii] 靖海紀略] (early Chongzhen). 4 juan by Cao Lütai 曹履泰, jinshi 1625...... Collection of letters and other documentary materials dealing with the coastal pirates in Southern Fujian (one of whom was Zheng Zhilong 鄭芝龍), written when the author was an official at Tong'an 同安, near Quanzhou during the late Tianqi and early Chongzhen periods..... To be distinguished from another work with the same title (7.8.5). –Cf. Franke, An introduction to the sources of Ming history, p. 64 (2.8.6) |
Author | Dai Yixuan 戴裔煊, 1908-1988 |
Place | Beijing 北京 |
Publisher | Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe 中國社會科學出版社 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 第1版, 第1次印刷 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | DS753.J516 D259 1982 |
Description | 1, 4, 83 p. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Mingdai Jia-Long jian de Wokou haidao yu Zhongguo zibenzhuyi de mengya 明代嘉隆間的倭寇海盜與中國資本主義的萌芽 / Dai Yixuan zhu 戴裔煊著. Includes bibliographical references. |
LCCN | 83-204812 |
Author | Li Guangbi 李光璧, b. 1914 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shanghai renmin chubanshe 上海人民出版社 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 第1版, 第1次印刷 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | DS753.2.Y887 L548 1956 |
Description | [1], 94 p. ; 19 cm. |
Note | Mingdai yu Wo zhanzheng 明代禦倭戰爭 / Li Guangbi zhu 李光璧著. Includes bibliographical references. |
Author | Mao Kun 茅坤, 1512-1601Zheng Mao 鄭茂, jinshi 1553Zhu Jiude 朱九德Yuleishanren 玉壘山人 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shenzhou guoguangshe 神州國光社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 再版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Zhongguo neiluan waihuo lishi congshu 中國內亂外禍歷史叢書 ; 08 |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | DS753.W725 Z485 1940 |
Description | 25, 210 p., [2] p. of plates : ill., facsims. ; 19 cm. |
Note | Wo bian shilüe 倭變事略 / Zhu Jiude deng zhu 朱九德等著. Contents: Jiajing dongnanping Wo tonglu 嘉靖東南平倭通錄 / Yiming 佚名 -- Wo bian shilüe 倭變事略 / Zhu Jiude 朱九德 -- Jinghai jilüe 靖海紀略 / Zheng Mao 鄭茂 -- Jinshan Wo bian xiaozhi 金山倭變小誌 / Yuleishanren 玉壘山人 -- Jijiao chu Xu Hai benmo 紀剿除徐海本末 / Mao Kun 茅坤 -- Wo qing tuntianyi 倭情屯田議 / Zhao Shizhen 趙士楨 -- Riben fan Huakao 日本犯華考 / Yin Du 殷都 -- Zhongdong gu-jin he zhanduan weikao 中東古今和戰端委考 / Cai Erkang 蔡爾康 -- Dong Wo kao 東倭考 / Jin Anqing 金安清. Minguo 民國 29 |
Author | Cai Jiude 采九德, fl. 1558Gu Yingtai 谷應泰, 1620-1690 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 3975 |
Shelf | Admin. Office Gallery |
Call Number | AC149.T76 1936 v. 3975 |
Description | 2, 106, 26 p. ; 17.5 cm. |
Note | Wobian shilüe 倭變事略 : [4卷] / Cai Jiude zhuan 采九德撰. Ming Wokou shimo 明倭寇始末 / Gu Yingtai bian 谷應泰編. "據鹽邑志林本影印"--(倭變事略). "據學海本排印"--(明倭寇始末). 民國25 [1936]. Wobian shilüe 倭變事略 : [4卷] / Cai Jiude zhuan 采九德撰....Record of the invasion of the coastal areas of southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang by Wo pirates in 1553-1556 and of some events after. The last date givien is Jiajing 38.12.25 (January 1560).....Cf. Franke, An introduction to the sources of Ming history, p. 223 [7.8.9] |