Subject: Courtesans in literature

Qinglouji 青樓集. Liqingji 麗情集. Liaoyang haishen zhuan 遼陽海神傳. Banqiao zaji 板橋雜記. Fuzhanglu 拊掌錄
AuthorYang Shen 楊慎, 1488-1559Huang Xuesuo 黄雪簑, 14th cent.Cai Yu 蔡羽, 1457-1541Yu Huai 余懷, 1616-1696Song Yuanhuai 宋元懷
PlaceChangsha 長沙
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 2734
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1936 v. 2734
Description[69] p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteQinglouji 青樓集 / Huang Xuesuo ji 黄雪簑輯. Liqingji 麗情集 : fu xuji 附續集 / Yang Shen zhuan 楊慎撰. Liaoyang haishen zhuan 遼陽海神傳 / Cai Yu shu 蔡羽述. Banqiao zaji 板橋雜記 : [上中下卷] / Yu Huai zhu 余懷著. Fuzhanglu 拊掌錄 / Song Yuanhuai zhuan 宋元懷撰.
"據古今說海本排印"--(青樓集, 遼陽海神傳). -- "據函海本排印"--(麗情集). -- "據龍威祕書及金陵叢刻本排印"--(板橋雜記). -- "據古今說海及學海類編本排印"--(拊掌錄).
民國28 [1939].
Red-light novels of the late Qing
AuthorStarr, Chloë, 1971-
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesChina studies (Leiden, Netherlands) ; 14
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberPL2437.S72 2007
Descriptionpdf [xxvi, 291 pages ; 25 cm.]

Red-light novels of the late Qing / Chloë F. Starr.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 275-285) and index.

Ch. 1. Text and context -- Ch. 2.  The narrator framed --  Ch. 3. Characterisation in context --  Ch. 4.  Structure : the textual representation of itself.

Traditionally both literary theorists and university courses divide between 'classical' and 'modern' literature. This volume offers a comprehensive literary reading of six nineteenth-century Chinese red-light novels and assesses how and why they alter our view of late Qing fiction and the authorial self.

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ISBN9789047428596 ; 9047428595