Subject: Heroes

Supplement to 'Asian martyrs and unsung heroes'
AuthorDecroix, Paul
Publisher[Phoenix Printers Sdn. Bhd.]
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBR1600.D432 2002
Description27 p : ill , map ; 26 cm
NoteSupplement to "Asian martyrs and unsung heroes" / P. Decroix.

As indicated by title, supplement to "Asian martyrs and unsung heroes" by Fr. Paul Decroix, MEP (1922?-2015). Consists of three chapters on martyrs on Socotora (Socotra) Island in 1760, in North Korea from 1950-1953, and at the Trappist Abbey of Our Lady of Consolation [Yang kia ping ?= Yangjia bing] near Beijing in Hebei in 1947-1948. Includes a map of the Trappist monks' death march, and photographs of sites and individuals described in all three chapters.

No WorldCat record available.
Yingxiong yu yingxiong chongbai 英雄與英雄崇拜. [On heroes, hero-worship, & the heroic in history. Chinese]
AuthorCarlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881Zeng Xubai 曾虛白, 1895-1994
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan Shangwu yinshuguan 臺灣商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesRenren wenku 人人文庫 ; 0357-0358
Call NumberAC149.R363 0357-0358
Description2, 2, 377, 8 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteYingxiong yu yingxiong chongbai 英雄與英雄崇拜 / Zeng Xubai yi 曾虛白譯.
Translation of: On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history [by Thomas Carlyle].
民國56 [1967].