Subject: Persecution--Japan--Nagasaki-shi

Nagasaki no junkyōsha 長崎の殉教者
AuthorKataoka Yakichi 片岡弥吉, 1908-1980
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherKadokawa Shoten 角川書店
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesKadokawa sensho 角川選書 ; 33
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBX1670.K37 1970
Description232 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteNagasaki no junkyōsha 長崎の殉教者 / Kataoka Yakichi 片岡弥吉.
Shōwa 昭和 45 [1970]
Sacred space and ritual in early modern Japan : the Christian community of Nagasaki (1569-1643)
AuthorTronu Montane, Carla
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3447.T87 2012
Descriptionpdf. [285 p. : ill., maps (some color)]
NoteSacred space and ritual in early modern Japan : the Christian community of Nagasaki (1569-1643) / Carla Tronu Montane.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--SOAS, University of London, 2012.
University of London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
Bibliography: p.270-285.
Local access dig.pdf. [Tronu-Nagasaki.pdf]
Online from several sources, see SOAS.