Subject: Catholics--China--Inner Mongolia--Personal narratives

Wan Qing shiqi Shengmu Shengxinhui zai Nei Menggu diqu chuanjiao huodong yanjiu 晚清時期聖母聖心會在內蒙古地區傳教活動研究 (1865-1911)
AuthorZhang Yu 張彧
PlaceGuangzhou Shi 廣州市
PublisherJinan daxue 暨南大學
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3420.M7 Z53 2006cd
DescriptionCD-ROM (211, 81 p. : color ill. )
NoteWan Qing shiqi Shengmu Shengxinhui zai Nei Menggu diqu chuanjiao huodong yanjiu 晚清時期聖母聖心會在內蒙古地區傳教活動研究 (1865-1911) / Zhang Yu 張彧.
Doc. Dissertation: Jinan daxue boshi xuewei lunwen 暨南大學博士學位論文 : Lishixue: Zhongguo gudaishi: Ming-Qing shi 歷史學 : 中國古代史 : 明清史 (2006)
Electronic files in MS .doc and PDF. 81 p. addenda includes color photos and interviews with Catholics from the CICM mission area.
Title in English: The Research on CICM’s activities in the Inner Mongolia during the late Qing dynasty (1865-1911).

Shengmu Shengxinhui 聖母聖心會 (Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae, Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary).
New Cath. enc., 1981, c1967 (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Congregation of the, commonly known as Scheut Missionaries or Immaculate Heart Missioners; the Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae (CICM) is a society of priests and brothers who take simple vows and who are under the authority of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith; the society, f. by Theophile Verbist at Scheut (Brussels, Belgium) in 1862, was originally limited to recruiting Belgian and Dutch missionaries for China, but it became international in 1947 when members from other nationalities were accepted)--LC auth. rec.