Subject: Confucian shrines--China

Kongmiao 孔庙, Kongfu 孔府, Konglin 孔林
AuthorQufu Xian wenwu guanli weiyuanhui 曲阜縣文物管理委員會Jining Diqu chuban bangongshi 濟寧地區出版辦公室
PlaceJinan 濟南
PublisherShandong renmin chubanshe 山東人民出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition新1版, 第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
Call NumberB128.K764 Q838 1982
Description15, [1] p. : ill. (chiefly col.), maps ; 19 cm.
NoteKongmiao 孔庙, Kongfu 孔府, Konglin 孔林 / Qufu Xian wenwu guanli weiyuanhui, Jining Diqu chuban bangongshi bian 曲阜縣文物管理委員會, 濟寧地區出版辦公室編.
Kongzi qishi'er dizi tu 孔子七十二弟子圖. [Kongzi qishier dizi tu]
Place[China : s.n]
CollectionRicci Institute Library [VS]
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (fanfold)
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberBL1840.K7659
Description1 v. (accordion fold) : chiefly illustrations ; 34 cm.
NoteKongzi qishier dizi tu 孔子七十二弟子圖.
No author, place of publication, publisher, or date. Not in OCLC.

One volume accordion-folded reproduction of rubbings from the stone tablet depicting Confucius and his 72 disciples sponsored by Song Gaozong in the Temple of Confucius in Hangzhou during the Southern Song dynasty, dated 1156. Legend of the 72 individual disciples is inserted (tipped-in) front cover. Panels were printed and glued in sequence in book-form for easier handling (rather than as a scroll). The item is in the collection held by the family of Sr. Victoria Siu, RSCJ, in a parcel of items that all date from the 1920's-1930's, and this volume appears to date from that period.

Zhongguo gesheng simiao lu 中國各省寺廟錄. Zhongguo gesheng cimiao lu 中國各省祠廟錄. [Jap-Sin I, (38/42) 40/10b]
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherTaipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesYesuhui Luoma dang'anguan Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian 耶穌會羅馬檔案館明清天主教文獻 ; 第10冊, Chinese Christian texts from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus ; v. 10
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBX1665.A2 Y47 2002 v. 10
Descriptionv. 10, pp. 145-162 ; 22 cm.
NoteZhongguo gesheng simiao lu 中國各省寺廟錄 / [無名氏著].
This work is untitled. Chan catalog entry for this work has title variant: Zhongguo gesheng cimiao lu 中國各省祠廟錄.

JapSin I, (38/42) 40/10b
Zhongguo gesheng cimiao lu 中國各省祠廟錄.
By an anonymous author.
Manuscript, folios 199–214. Chinese bamboo paper, one volume.

A Portuguese inscription on folio 197 reads: “Catalogo dos Miao, da China, que parecem, politicos.”
This is a list of temples and shrines throughout all the provinces in China. It is taken from juan 20 of the Yudi guangji 輿地廣記, composed by Ouyang Min 歐陽忞 in the early twelfth century. Annotations are given occasionally.

Source: Albert Chan, SJ, Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 61.