Subject: Publishers and publishing--China--Shanghai--History--19th-20th centuries

Gutenberg in Shanghai : Chinese print capitalism, 1876-1937
AuthorReed, Christopher A. (Christopher Alexander), 1954-
PlaceVancouver, BC
PublisherUBC Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [R9]
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesStudies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University, Contemporary Chinese studies
ShelfReading Room, Digital Archives
Call NumberZ186.C5 R44 2004
Descriptionxvii, 391 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
NoteGutenberg in Shanghai : Chinese print capitalism, 1876-1937 / Christopher A. Reed.
Cover title also in Chinese: Gutengbao zai Shanghai : Zhongguo yinshua zibenye de fa zhan 谷騰堡在上海 : 中國印刷資本業的發展 : 一八七六 - 一九三七年 (1876-1937).
Includes bibliographical references (p. [360]-377) and index.

1. Gutenberg's Descendants: Transferring Industrialized Printing Technology to China, 1807-1930 / 25
2. Janus-Faced Pioneers: The Golden Age of Shanghai's Lithographic Printer-Publishers, 1876-1905 / 88
3. "Sooty Sons of Vulcan": Forging Shanghai's Printing Machinery, 1895-1937/ 128
4. "The Hub of the Wheel": Commerce, Technology, and Organizational Innovation in Shanghai's New-Style Publishing World, 1876-c. 1911 / 161
5. "The Three Legs of the Tripod": Commercial Press, Zhonghua Books, and World Books, 1912-37 / 203
Conclusion / 257
Appendix: A Bird's-Eye View of 1930s Shanghai's Fuzhou Road / Wenhuajie District/ 280
Glossary of Chinese Terms, Titles, and Names / 289. Notes / 297.
Selected Asian-Language Bibliography / 360
Selected Western-Language Bibliography / 367
Index / 379.

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Jindai Xujiahui de bendihua zhishi shengchan shijian : yi 1923 nian Tushanwan yinshuguan Shumubiao wei li 近代徐家匯的本地化知識生產實踐 : 以1923 年土山灣印書館書目表為例
AuthorMo Wei 莫為
PlaceAomen 澳門
PublisherAomen ligong xuebao 澳門理工學報
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeExtract (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberZ955.C28 M6 2020d
Descriptionpdf. [pp.100-110]
NoteJindai Xujiahui de bendihua zhishi shengchan shijian : yi 1923 nian Tushanwan yinshuguan Shumubiao wei li 近代徐家匯的" 本地化” 知識生產實踐 : 以1923 年土山灣印書館《書目表》為例 / Mo Wei 莫為.
Article in: Aomen ligong xuebao 澳門理工學報: 2020年第2期.
Includes bibliographical references.

[提要] 在近代徐家匯“本地化”知識生產的過程中,土山灣印書館功不可沒。在法國巴黎會省新耶穌會士們主導下,“以徐家匯為圓心的江南本地化知識” 得到整理,並以多種西文著述的形式,面向世界發佈。這批成果鼓勵外部世界以科學的方法研究中國,更將“ 江南科學文化知識” 納入世界文明智慧版圖。若將1923 年的《上海徐家匯土山灣印書館書目表》還原至其出品的年代中,並以較 為新穎且契合彼時時空背景的角度———羅馬教廷呼籲“本地化”傳教策略,則可剖析這冊《書目表》之所以如此編排的深層原因。自20 世紀以降,傳教事業“ 本地化” 的呼聲日隆,時代浪潮裹挾中的 土山灣印書館兼具明顯國別(法國)與修會屬性(耶穌會),是一個生動的切入點。透過它可以探討近代語境中作為宗教文化社區的“徐家匯”所進行的“本地化”知識生產實踐活動,及其背後的時空 線索、文化勾連和歷史原因。
[關鍵詞] 新耶穌會 徐家匯 土山灣印書館 《書目表》 “本地化”
[中圖分類號] K252 [文獻標識碼]  A [文章編號] 0874⁃1824(2020)02⁃0100⁃11

Local access dig.pdf. [Mo Wei-Xujiahui.pdf]