Subject: Missions, American--China

An American missionary community in China, 1895-1905
AuthorForsythe, Sidney A., 1920-
PlaceCambridge, MA
PublisherEast Asian Research Center, Harvard University
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
SeriesHarvard East Asian monographs ; 43
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberBV3415.2.F67 1971
Descriptionviii, 146 pages ; 26 cm.

An American missionary community in China, 1895-1905 / Sidney A. Forsythe.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 129-141).

Introduction: The materials, methods, and scope of the inquiry -- The institutional setting and the purpose of mission work -- Chinese civilization and the characteristics of the Chinese people -- Missionary conceptions of Chinese religions, Confucianism, and the official and gentry classes -- Missionary conceptions of the political process and the imperial government -- The missionaries and the problem of native reform -- Missionary conceptions of China and the powers -- Missionary views of the Boxer Movement and the foreign occupation.

ISBN0674026268 ; 9780674026261
China journal, 1889-1900 : an American missionary family during the Boxer Rebellion : with the letters and diaries of Eva Jane Price and her family
AuthorSalisbury, Harrison Evans, 1908-1993Price, Eva Jane, 1855-1900Felsing, Robert H.
PlaceNew York
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfStacks [AEC]
Call NumberDS771.P75 1989
Descriptionxxiii, 289 p., 8 unnumbered pages of plates : ill. ; 24 cm

China journal 1889-1900 : an American missionary family during the Boxer Rebellion : with the letters and diaries of Eva Jane Price and her family / foreword by Harrison E. Salisbury ; introductory notes and annotations by Robert H. Felsing.

The journey, September 1889-March 1891 -- Peeking place, May 1891-May 1892 -- The interim, July 1892-February 1897 -- Return to China, May 1897-December 1899 -- The siege, January 1900-August 1900.


ISBN0684189518 ; 9780684189512
China, American Catholicism, and the missionary
AuthorBreslin, Thomas A.
PlaceUniversity Park
PublisherPennsylvania State University
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfStacks [AEC]
Call NumberBV3415.2.B74 1980
Description144 pages : maps ; 24 cm.

China, American Catholicism, and the missionary / Thomas A. Breslin.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 134-138) and index.

ISBN027100259X ; 9780271002590
China's new day : a study of events that have led to its coming
AuthorHeadland, Isaac Taylor, 1859-1942
PlaceWest Medford, MA
PublisherCentral Committee on the United Study of Missions
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberDS773.H4 1912
Description263 p. : front, plates, ports ; 19 cm.
NoteChina's new day : a study of events that have led to its coming / by Isaac Taylor Headland.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 257-258) and index.

The break with the past -- The Chinese woman -- An educational revolution -- The Chinese church -- Medical work -- The printed page.

Also online at the Internet Archive.

Rising through the dust : the story of the Christian Church in China
AuthorCrouch, Archie R.
PlaceNew York
PublisherFriendship Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberBR1285.C7692 1948
Descriptionviii, 179 p. : fold. col. map. ; 18 cm.
NoteRising through the dust : the story of the Christian Church in China / by Archie R. Crouch.
"A selected reading list": p. [175]-179.
The missionary enterprise in China and America = Zhong-Mei de chuanjiao shiye 中美的傳教事業
AuthorFairbank, John King, 1907-1991
PlaceTaipei 台北
PublisherRainbow-Bridge Book Co. 虹橋書店
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberBV3415.2.F34 1976
Description442 p. ; 23 cm.

The missionary enterprise in China and America / edited and with an introduction by John K. Fairbank.

Originally published: Harvard College, 1974. (Harvard studies in American-East Asian relations ; v. 6).

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction : The many faces of Protestant missions in China and the United States / John K. Fairbank -- Near East notes and Far East queries / James A. Field, Jr. -- Evangelical logistics : mission support and resources to 1920 / Valentin H. Rabe -- The student volunteer movement and its role in China missions, 1886-1920 / Clifton J. Phillips -- Modernism and missions : the liberal search for an exportable Christianity, 1875-1935 / William R. Hutchison -- The theology of American missionaries in China, 1900-1950 / M. Searle Bates -- Christianity in the Chinese idiom : Young J. Allen and the early Chiao-hui hsin-pao, 1868-1870 / Adrian A. Bennett and Kwang-Ching Liu -- Littoral and Hinterland in nineteenth century China : the "Christian" reformers / Paul A. Cohen -- Christianity and nationalism : the career of Wu Le-ch'uan at Yenching University / Philip West -- Ends and means : missionary justification of force in nineteenth century China / Stuart Creighton Miller -- Why they stayed : American church politics and Chinese nationalism in the twenties / Shirley Stone Garrett -- The missionary response to the nationalist revolution / Paul A. Varg -- The missionary enterprise and theories of imperialism / Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

Triumphs of faith : personal experiences in service for the king
AuthorOss, Olga Bertina (Osnes), 1897-1977
PlaceWashington, D.C.
PublisherReview and Herald Pub. Association
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberBV3427.O7 A3 1935
Description159 p. : frontispiece (portrait) ; 20 cm.

Triumphs of faith : personal experiences in service for the king / Mrs. John Oss [Olga Bertine Osnes Oss].

Wan Qing Zhong-Mei guanxi yu shehui biange : Wan Qing Meiguo chuanjiaoshi zai Hua huodong de lishi kaocha 晚清中美關系與社會變革 : 晚清美國傳教士在華活動的歷史考察
AuthorHe Dajin 何大進
PlaceNanchang 南昌
PublisherJiangxi renmin chubanshe 江西人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBV3415.2.H6 1998
Description3, 6, 366 p. ; 21 cm.
Note晚清中美关系与社会变革 : 晚清美国传教士在华活动的历史考察 / 何大进著.
Includes bibliographical references.